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How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

to your entity class, that will sum them. You can calculate it in a event">JPA lifecycle event. Currently you cannot convert boolean to int in queries

does ObjectDB / JPA support simple password field encryption of an entity class?

> Consider using event">JPA Lifecycle Events to encrypt the fields

JPA 2.1 and AttributeConverter

="code">String in event">JPA lifecycle events methods 

Managing software release cycles.

you may have to write code. You can use the event">PostLoad event to adjust

Cascade delete with unidirectional mapping

explicitly in your code (maybe in a event">lifecycle event). support Support

Compress ODB file with XML content

">value field can remain empty in the database, and using event">JPA events you can initialize value by uncompressing compressedValue on PostLoad

exception thrown when try to run explorer again?

/JDODataStoreException at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch ... ;( at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

.CodeArchitectureImpl (error 361) at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event ... .CodeArchitectureImpl (error 361) at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event

JBoss 7 startup fails

-3) Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class guest.GuestListener ... sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class guest.GuestListener: java.lang

How to apply constraints in collection attributes of entity.

event">lifecycle events. support Support