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Database Explorer

ObjectDB Database Explorer is a visual GUI tool for managing ObjectDB databases ... -89c5b299d865/image.png"> Running the Explorer The ObjectDB Explorer is contained in the explorer.jar executable jar file

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

> Immediately after a new number is printed in the console, open ObjectDB Explorer, modify ... is that redeploying the application after that kind of usage of Explorer makes JPQL with Enum to don't ... of usage of Explorer makes JPQL with Enum to don't work properly. You should probably be able

Error when trying to open the Explorer (failed to find Java VM)

the ObjectdB explorer I get this windows error: "Failed to find Java VM". explorer.exe and explorer-b.exe? Can you write it explorer#running_the_explorer">from the console:

Trouble bug on explorer

exception from explorer. KadirBASOL:bin apple$ java -jar explorer.jar ... Lion kadirbasol Kadir BASOL What exactly do you do in the Explorer that causes ... > When i click on "Create and Persist" button on explorer by clicking model.User  

Explorer in 2.3

First, the new Explorer in ObjectDB is fantastic! This is exactly what we've needed ... , when it should be only the database path. This causes an error on starting Explorer.exe. Same when opening ... consideration in future development of the Explorer. Some initial thoughts: >

explorer NullPointerException

I studied ObjectDB a few hours ago and got some problems when use explorer. I ... 02:51:11 #1 explorer] java.lang.NullPointerException at com.objectdb.o.CNC.p( at com ... is still on. olddm ma This stack trace indicates a problem in opening the Explorer [Tools >

exception thrown when try to run explorer again?

hello , when i try to launch explorer.jar i got this error: /Users/apple/Downloads/objectdb-2.4.2_02/bin KadirBASOL:bin apple$ java -jar explorer.jar ... /JDODataStoreException at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

ObjectDB Explorer is a visual tool for managing ObjectDB databases. You can use the Explorer to browse databases, execute JDOQL queries, create new databases and edit the content ... contains the following sections:"> 9.1  Running the Explorer

Enum fields are set to null and embeddable enum class does not show in explorer

loss! The enum type is also not listed in the explorer. I am talking about an enum class ... >This has effect, when something in the explorer is edited and saved (with missing enum type in ... >If I check the explorer, the list entry is still there. However, the type is the interface (not

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

">qubletID = 371). Trying to view all the instances of this type in the explorer (by ... classes should be used instead) and is not fully supported by the Explorer since the Explorer ... running the Explorer with a classpath that contains all your classes. But if