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ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

connection from explorer. This disappear when explorer is closed (or File->Close Connection ... with running ObjectDB Server, and did all connections from explorer only. I was working with 2 DB ... bellow are steps done on 1 running ObjectDBServer without restarts, also explorer was single

Drop in Client/server mode not working

> dmoshal David Moshal I tried your example at it works as long as the Explorer is not connected to the database. ie: If explorer is connected to a c/s database then it is not dropped! explorer open during testing. David

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

that have my own, serializable classes inside as parameters. When I try to inspect them with explorer, there is an error ... deleted. To see serialzable objects in the Explorer try to add the classpath to the JVM when you explorer#running_the_explorer">run the Explorer. But actually

Database connection url

the explorer. I left the conf file set as: <server ... about the connection url for the code, and for the explorer. I tried this: explorer. So, how does one set up odb as a server

DB Doctor sets type to "unknown" for new fields

after adding the emergency and broadcast fields. If you run in DB Explorer Explorer behavior of specifying null results as Unknown type ... class="code">RecordingMetaData objects in the Explorer. support Support Thank

Some details about db behavior

> 1. In ObjectDB explorer I see Both B and A Entity classes available in sidebar but B ... . In explorer in every column where a complex type is represented in json like manner i ... are initialized (which means explorer is showing not right information).  3. Suppose

mappedBy problem

established between the two entities! Using the explorer I see the employee field in the Address ... (because the mapped by side is merely a request to execute a query). You are right about the Explorer ... 2 feature and the Explorer has not been adjusted yet. support Support I followed

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

query in Explorer runs blazing fast (22ms) but I think it's because Explorer lazy loads ... 22 ms in the Explorer). The problem is probably with the extensive Explorer). Another solution may be to use report queries, i.e. instead of retrieval

Difficulty with the BIRT plugin

to create a new Data Set from the Data Explorer, as suggested in the online manual: Explorer] window and selecting ... further. My previous problem is that I was using the eclipse view "Data Source Explorer", when actually

References to objects of missing obsolete entity classes

the database but their classes have been deleted or missing? The objectdb explorer does not ... .2 is the new support of deleting classes using the Explorer, so it may be related.  ... will be appreciated: Have you used this feature of deleting classes in the Explorer?