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ClassCastException of same object type

.objectdb.o.OBM.flush( at

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

> Using EntityManager's flush during the transaction. support Support

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

during commit or flush and should indicate

What algorithm in find()

class="code">flush, since every entity object in that cache has to be checked against an old

Need help to make this test work and define proper annotations for entities Lists

;      em.flush();           

OrphanRemoval not working?

is still there with invoice field setted to null. When saving the entity, I'm using merge and flush. The entity object

[ObjectDB 2.6.7_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

. The stack trace indicates an unexpected condition at the end of a flush operation

File lock exception on odb$

) at rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow.ObjectDbInstanceContainer.flush(Unknown Source) at rbccm.felix

new objects not available in mappedBy associations

and before commit, if your EntityManager is set to use flush_mode

Negative snapshot user count exception

execution on a flushed transaction, i.e. there are uncommitted changes in the transaction