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Entity can be found by find() but not by query

transaction A committed, and it stored data using flush, then it may work

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

key) will  take less space. Use flush during large transactions with temp file

Problem with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

(sample); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.flush(); em.close(); emf

Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)

: * How can i see the low level batch SQL operations before flushing the merge. So i

ObjectDB 2.6.0

">refresh of a new managed entity object after flush.

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

> In reflection mode ObjectDB doesn't track anything until flush/commit and then it just compares

Blocked by find

callback event rbccm.felix.framework.ApplicationException: Error flushing data container at rbccm.felix

ObjectDB 2.2.4

> Fixed critical bugs in using flush. Fixed bugs in cascading merge.

ObjectDB 2.2.1

queries. Fixed a bug in queries on deleted objects before commit / flush.

ObjectDB 2.3.3

Improved compilation performance of OR queries with many elements. Fixed eager fetch of maps and nested embedded objects. Fixed a bug in removing a new flushed entity object before first commit (issue #562).