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Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

(this); newObj.setSubKey(key); //em.persist(this); em.persist(newObj); //em.flush ... "); System.out.println("Created " + numItems + " in " + (end - begin) + " milliseconds"); System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); int numberOfMapItems = container.getNumberOfMapItems(em

Remove not working

that has already been removed earlier in the same transaction. No exception is thrown if em.flush ... was to do a PersistenceManager.flush() before trying to gather the Extent the second time. I did not ... , delete an object in there // needs a flush() here else the next statement throws the Exception

Memory Leaks after COMMIT operation (checked on versions 2.6.5 & 2.6.6.b01)

().commit(); m_EntityManager.flush(); m_EntityManager.clear(); m_EntityManager ... (); m_DataKeysCache.clear(); m_EntityManager.flush(); m ... code for flush all data to DB and release memory m_EntityManager.flush

Run out of memory

_Store_. However the problem is that it seems that even calling flush followed by clear ... ;this.commitCount.set(0); this.em.flush(); this.em.clear(); System.err.println("Flushing"); } } protected void onCommit() {     this.em.getTransaction

Performance in large transactions

to managed objects automatically in order to apply changes to the database on flush/commit ... on every flush or commit, but this is inefficient ... are untrackable and requires comparison on every flush. To avoid this, we introduce now a new

Query for objects persisted within the same transaction

>You may change the default flush mode: flush_mode_setflushmode"> support Support Thanks

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null

); entityManager.flush(); Project project = new Project(); project.setAccount(account); entityManager.persist(project); entityManager.flush(); account = entityManager.find(account ... ;    em.persist(account);         em.flush

NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query

to the query until commit. This behavior can be changed by flush_mode_setflushmode">modifying the flush mode. Which flush mode are using? support Support Hi, I didn't change it so I am using the default Flush Mode (COMMIT). I don't

docker documentation

;) piped.write(13) piped.flush() sleep(100) piped.println(<PASSWORD>) piped.write(13) piped.flush() sleep(100) piped.println(<LICENSE>) piped.write(13) piped.flush() } }

Internal exception

to resolve a mapped by relationship, which required a flush before running the mapped by query (due to changes since last commit/flush) in order to retrieve the mapped by instances. The stack trace indicates a failure to cascade persist operation from unknown reason during that flush. Any