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On ensuring ID available after persist

), which under EclipseLink it did. Performing em.flush() immediately after em.persist(e) seems to work (although I'm not sure about the performance hit of flushing every time). This can be encapsulated as a wrapping persist(Object) method that also always flushes after persist(), to afford central

Query can't see recently persisted object

occasions within the same transaction. However if I call flush() on the EntityManager after the persist() the object will be found. Clearly I don't want to call flush() on the EntityManager, as I ... ); // Flush is required for query to find object // mem.flush(); } ... paul Paul

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

/jpa/query/setting#flush_mode_setflushmode">flush mode. In most JPA implementations ... with no flush. Probably you do have a flush in that code. Maybe in the setting of the flush mode auto on... If I don't I can't see any of the objects I added!

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

to have a JdoBlob2 object cache that flushes automatically when JVM full GC happens, which I think ... GB softly referenced byte[] to see that it did indeed get flushed from RAM and this listing ... to be flushed.  (e.g., code like the following.) private static final

evictAll() behavior

or even better after flush but  I can imagine that after flush method it could be problematic ... ; System.out.println("Cache size before flush = " + pm.getManagedObjects().size());     ... after flush = " + pm.getManagedObjects().size());     System.out.println(JDOHelper

Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

although the former query has cause an automatically flush. Best regards btc_es BTC ... the object. Flushing changes to the database (by running a query in The console application is the same but without the flush.

Spring Transactions (@Transactional) within ObjectDB

#flush_mode_setflushmode">FlushModeType.COMMIT by default. Try switching to flush_mode_setflushmode">FlushModeType.AUTO. It is less efficient ... for enabling auto flush by default, by setting a system property:  

Database Inconsistency or corruption

(attr.getValue());       }       em.flush ... ; em.flush();     }     */     ObjectValue ... >     em.flush();         System.out.println

Remove of an entry from a @OneToMany collection is not possible if the enhancer is disabled

", childEntity);   entityManager.flush();   entityManager.remove(parentEntity ... ; entityManager.flush();   entityManager.getTransaction().commit();   entityManager.clear ... , but it is not related to @OneToMany collection. Any change to entity objects after flush

Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

> It might be related to the flush bugs that are being fixed in the last builds so please check ... to using flush extensively (many times until commit). You should avoid this to improve performance ... flush extensively (many times until commit). Before testing build .._10, as a separate