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Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

are local in memory and will fail with OptimisticLockException if user 1 is committing or flushing ... two different operations on the same object by two different users. Note that user 1 may flush the changes implicitly by running a query. You can run specific queries with COMMIT flush mode to avoid


Enum Constant javax.persistence.FlushModeType AUTO (Default) Flushing to occur at query execution. Since: JPA 1.0


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager FlushModeType getFlushMode() Get the flush mode that applies to all objects contained in the persistence context. Returns: flushMode Since: JPA 1.0


is responsible for updating the ordering upon flushing to the database to reflect any insertion, deletion


. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or at commit time. The current


to flushing instances to the data store. The afterCompletion method is called after performing state


classes in the cache are first flushed to the datastore. Instances in the cache or brought into


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreLifecycleListener void preStore( InstanceLifecycleEvent event ) Invoked whenever a persistent instance is stored, for example during javax.jdo.PersistenceManager.flush or javax.jdo.Transaction.commit. It is called before the method StoreCallback.jdoPreStore is invoked. Parameters: event - the store event. Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreLifecycleListener void postStore( InstanceLifecycleEvent event ) Invoked whenever a persistent instance is stored, for example during javax.jdo.PersistenceManager.flush or javax.jdo.Transaction.commit. It is called after the field values have been stored. Parameters: event - the store event. Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.Transaction void setSynchronization( Synchronization sync ) The user can specify a Synchronization instance to be notified on transaction completions. The beforeCompletion method is called prior to flushing instances to the data store. The afterCompletion method is called

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