Internal Website Search

101-145 of 145 results

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

during commit or flush  and should indicate an attempt to persist a new entity object with a primary key

Need help to make this test work and define proper annotations for entities Lists

;  em. flush ();              em

OrphanRemoval not working?

to null. When saving the entity, I'm using merge and flush . The entity object is managed, so I think

find() delay

results. I tried em. flush (), em.clear(), etc.. that do not work. Any idea? TIA gzdillon Lai Yang Maybe

Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

whereas my ObjectDB database file isnt being created until the first EntityManager flush , so maybe

Entity can be found by find() but not by query

If transaction B started before transaction A committed, and it stored data using flush

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

pages (due to using UID primary key) will  take less space. Use flush during large

Problem with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

.getTransaction().commit(); em. flush (); em.close(); emf.close();       

Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)

: * How can i see the low level batch SQL operations before flushing the merge. So i

Cascading persistence through an inverse field

automatically when the object is retrieved (or refreshed) from the database after commit or flush

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

.createEntityManagerFactory("$objectdb/ flush .odb");         EntityManager em

Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

",     personID)   .executeUpdate(); em2   . flush (); em2   .clear(); tr

finding post-persist pre-commit objects

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to have post-persisted, pre-committed, objects show up in queries? ie: the object has been persisted, but not yet committed. Dave   dmoshal David Moshal Yes, by setting the flush mode . support Support thanks, worked for me.   dmoshal David Moshal

Query problem after transaction commit

issue with a simple solution (e.g. changing flush mode from commit to auto could solve

PersistenceException: Failed to locate field

having access to an old version, shouldn't it automatically flush it's caches if the schema evolves

Where Does ObjectDB Block/Lock?

flush ) optimistic lock checks verify that different transactions do not conflict. This check

Newbie : How to return the auto-generated ID

, however, the allocated value is available only after commit or flush and not after persist . If you need

High memory consumption even after close() of EntityManagerFactory

results, flush updates, etc. are not affected by the new option, but can be controlled by the temp

Entity Management Config questions

references in the persistence context (until commit or  flush ), regardless of this setting

Working with a cleared cache

.makePersistentAll(addCollection); // Flush the JDO cache m_persistenceManager.evictAll(); m_persistenceManager

On initialisation of lists: impact on migration from EclipseLink to ObjectDB

();     em.persist(h);     em. flush (h);//optional   

Problem to use find method on an abstract Class: AbstractMethodError is thrown

.persist(b);         em. flush ();       

File lock exception on odb$

.createEntityManager( at rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow.ObjectDbInstanceContainer. flush (Unknown Source

Negative snapshot user count exception

during query execution on a flushed transaction, i.e. there are uncommitted changes in


is invoked, do you have an open transaction? Are there flushed but non committed changes to the database

ObjectDB 2.8.8

#2750 ). Fixed an error on closing an  EntityManager  with non-comitted flushed transaction

ObjectDB 2.6.1

Added an option to disable temporary file deletion . Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths . Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush ( issue #1602 ). Fixed

NullPointerException when using multithreading

thread has its own instance of EntityManager.  After 500 persists, the thread calls a flush

ObjectDB 2.6.9

PersistenceUnitInfo. Fixed a bug in removing a modified flushed entity object.

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

after writing and flushing the transaction updates to the recovery file (the database file

ObjectDB 2.6.4

Added memory only database mode. Added an option to cascade detachment to embedded objects . Added an option to disable reuse of database page objects . Improved release of query resources. Improved memory management in multi flush transactions. Extended detachment of embedded objects

ObjectDB 2.6.0

connecting to a server. Fixed a  NullPointerException  during close ( issue 1531 ). Fixed refresh of a new managed entity object after flush .

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

. In reflection mode ObjectDB doesn't track anything until flush /commit and then it just compares

Blocked by find

callback event rbccm.felix.framework.ApplicationException: Error flushing data container at rbccm

ObjectDB 2.2.4

bugs in using flush . Fixed bugs in cascading merge. Fixed a multithreading deadlock bug . Fixed a bug

ObjectDB 2.2.1

Added support for using ObjectDB with JBoss AS 6.0 / 6.1 . Fixed several bugs in handling eager fetch. Fixed a pessimistic locking bug . Fixed a bug in using primary key fields in queries. Fixed a bug in queries on deleted objects before commit / flush .

ObjectDB 2.3.3

Improved compilation performance of OR queries with many elements. Fixed eager fetch of maps and nested embedded objects. Fixed a bug in removing a new flushed entity object before first commit ( issue #562 ). Fixed a NullPointerException in accessing inverse (mapped by) collection fields

ObjectDB 2.6.2

Added support of entity classes with missing implemented interfaces in the Explorer. Added method com.objectdb.Utilities.newTrackable(em, cls) for improved performance. Added a temporary workaround for NullPointerException  on query after flush ( issue #1623 ). Improved title of query result

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

- { MyEntity myEntity = new MyEntity("test" + i); em.persist(myEntity); if(i % 5000 == 0) { em. flush (); em

ObjectDB 2.8.5

Fixed a bug in using AS in SELECT NEW (breaks some Spring Data JPA queries). Fixed a bug in tracking changes to new collections after flush ( issue #2640 ). Fixed a StackOverflowError on no access permission to objectdb.conf ( issue #2643 ). Fixed a bug in managing pessimistic locks after using

ObjectDB 2.4.0

than 2GB. Fixed a bug in running queries between flush and commit. Fixed a deadlock ( issue #450 ). Fixed

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

;  em1.persist(new TestEntity());         em1. flush ();  

ObjectDB 2.7.5

new objects of other transactions after flush ( issue #228 0). Fixed a bug in version 2.7.4 in

DB persist operation results are not available for another Thread/EntityManager immdiately

EmbeddedSystems This report seems similar to issue #2280 . After flush (by Thread B) a snapshot

ObjectDB 2.8.7_05

Attempt to fix an error message on closing an  EntityManager with non-comitted flushed transaction ( issue #2794 ).