ObjectDB ObjectDB

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ObjectDB vs Neo4J

What are the main difference apart from the JPA. Can ObjectDB provide the same Graph functionalities. Regards. peric.emil Emil Perić ObjectDB is an Object Oriented Database and Neo4J is a graph ... , ObjectDB provides also some graph functionalities, but probably not all the functionality of a pure

Dirty checking

queries, if that helps. dmoshal David Moshal In other words, given a graph of objects, I'd like to know all the objects that changed and commited, so that I can generate view messages based on that graph ... are automatically set to 'Detached' state. However, unless the relevant parts of the object graph

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

: rbccm.felix.framework.ApplicationException: Error flushing graph container at rbccm.felix ... ().rollback(); throw new ApplicationException("Error flushing graph container", e); } finally ... writing to database file 'F:\calculationservice\objectdb\dbs\workflow\uatsrtlonw342-WSAgent-1-Graphs


) and the active fetch groups determine the scope of fetching for the graph of instances reachable from ... FetchPlan will be traversed. Thus, to detach a graph of objects, relations to other persistent

makeTransientAll(useFetchPlan, pcs)

is applied to the pcs parameters and the entire graph of instances reachable via loaded fields


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Collection<T> detachCopyAll( Collection<T> pcs ) Detach the specified instances from the PersistenceManager. The flags for detachment (DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS and DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS) and the active fetch groups determine the scope of fetching for the graph

makeTransientAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

is applied to the pcs parameters and the entire graph of instances reachable via loaded fields

makeTransient(pc, useFetchPlan)

parameter, as if detachCopy(Object) had been called. After the graph of instances is loaded

makeTransientAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

is applied to the pcs parameters and the entire graph of instances reachable via loaded fields


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager T detachCopy( T pc ) Detach the specified instance from the PersistenceManager. The flags for detachment (DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS and DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS) and the active fetch groups determine the scope of fetching for the graph of instances reachable from the pc

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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