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Recovery file does not match db file

Just rebooted my production server, which had been running fine for months. When it came up, these errors started: ObjectDB 2.3.1_03] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Recovery file '/auctionologies/java/storage.odb$' does not match db file

Object comparation never matches

" and getting "[ObjectDB 2.4.6] javax.persistence.NoResultException" "No matching results for a unique query

Documentation problem - license does not match implementation

Documentation problem - license does not match implementation

NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query

I am very often getting a "com.objectdb.o._NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query" when modifying my already persisted entities within a transaction. I cannot replicate it however because it happens infrequently. The weird thing is that the entity nevertheless gets

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

Matching with Wildcards The [NOT] LIKE operator checks if a specified string matches ... wildcard characters: The percent character (%) - which matches ) - which matches any single character. The left operand

Database Schema Evolution

: For every field in the new schema for which there is a matching fieldmatching old field in the original entity object. Fields in the new schema that do not have matching fields in the old schema are initialized with default values (0,

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

) that has no matching inner variable (e.g. a Capital). The behavior ... variable does not have any matching inner value it gets at least a NULL value as a matching value in the FROM iteration. Therefore, a Country c with no

Schema Update

with persistable classes that have been renamed or moved in the IDE, with no matching schema configuration ... the application is run only with the configuration that matches these changes exactly.

JPA Lifecycle Events

. The argument can have any type that matches the actual value (e.g. in the code above, Object

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

class must have a compatible constructor that matches the SELECT result expressions, as follows: