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CriteriaBuilder.max(x) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression max (    Expression  x ) Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical max operation. Parameters: x - expression representing input value to max operation Return: max expression Since: JPA 2.0

Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I set Database max -threads.  In the documentation

Max transaction size

What’s the max transaction size, or how is it determined? Trianglehead Json Error The main limit is the available memory in the JVM. There is no hard limit. support Support

Error using query with MAX() function

Error using query with MAX() function

Exceeding max connections and crashing

Exceeding max connections and crashing

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

(count, sum, avg, max , min) that are carried out on all the objects (or the object tuples) in ... of comparable values (numeric, strings, dates). MAX - returns the maximum of comparable values ... an expression representing the minimum of comparable values. max , greatest  - return an 

Database Management Settings

and the database file can improve performance. The max attribute is a hint that specifies the space ... for caching pages of the database file. The max -threads attribute specifies the maximum number

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

. The two following expressions are equivalent ( :min and : max are query parameters ): x BETWEEN :min AND : max x

ObjectDB Object Database Features

, max ) - for paging. Query Structure SELECT (including NEW ). FROM (including INNER JOIN , LEFT OUTER ... and aggregates ). ORDER BY (including ASC, DESC). Aggregates (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX , MIN). Query

Server Configuration

when connecting to the database (as explained in the JPA Overview section in chapter 3). The max attribute

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)


Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

do not support aggregate queries ( max , min, count, sum and avg). ObjectDB supports rich queries

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

;( where ). Criteria GROUP BY / HAVING  ( groupBy , having , count , sum , avg , min , max

JPA Criteria API Queries

, avg , min , max , ...). ORDER BY clause ( orderBy , Order , asc , desc ). The links above are direct

General Settings and Logging

, which is specified by the max attribute. The stdout and stderr attributes specify if log messages

Database Explorer

can be specified as a comma separated list of elements. Use the [First] and [ Max ] fields to set the result

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

and the others seems to be waiting in synchronized. Here are some ideas for checking: Smaller  processing =  max -threads (the default is 10 and you are using 400). Different values for  recovery = max (try smaller ... a while the recovery file is emptied and that may consume I/O operations. Maybe smaller max recovery

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.RSV

-8553-cc5688ba142d') ORDER BY MAX ($1.createDate) DESC   but this query returns an exception ... JOIN $1.recipient $2 WHERE ($'22afeafe-363f-4397-8553-cc5688ba142d') ORDER BY MAX ($1.createDate ... $1 JOIN $1.recipient $2 WHERE $'22afeafe-363f-4397-8553-cc5688ba142d' ORDER BY MAX ($1

Activation license not picked up in Jenkins

.spec.MrProrationSpec STARTED mr.controllers.spec.MrProrationSpec max _rate_target_below_first STARTED mr.controllers.spec.MrProrationSpec max _rate_target_below_first STANDARD_ERROR [2020-09-03 22:03 ... :03:34 #19 type.registry] New type java.util.ArrayList mr.controllers.spec.MrProrationSpec max _rate


- expression y - value Return: less-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 Expression max ( Expression  x) Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical max operation. Parameters: x - expression representing input value to max operation Return: max expression Since: JPA 2.0 Expression min

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

restrictions on connections to the server. The max attribute specifies the maximum simultaneous connections allowed by the server. The user- max attribute specifies the maximum simultaneous connections allowed ... above, there is no point to specifying different values for the max and user- max attributes (if different values

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

The application works fine with only 256MB heap size with objectdb 1.0  But on 2.0 even with max heap ... more than 64mb at a time. In this application my odb file that needs to be generated can be a max ... that is being generated reaches a size of around 700mb to 800mb (which is close to max heap size of 1012mb

Doctor - high memory usage

 have at least 2GB RAM, I don't think that running the Doctor with 512MB max heap size ... Walkowski I just checked the 64MB sample database. With 512MB max heap size ( -Xmx512m ) it works ... seconds to rebuild a new database. With 256MB max heap size I got the same  OutOfMemoryError

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

=” Max ”; familyName=”Mustermann”; address=”26135 Oldenburg”] V1.1:  EntityPerson{ String name; String address; }     DB2: [name=” Max Mustermann”; address=”26135 Oldenburg”] V2.0: EntityPerson{ String name; String zip; String city;}     DB3: [name=” Max Mustermann”; zip

ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

' And the Application stopped working. 2) * Batch ended at '2LG' * Batch ended at '2oq' * Batch ended at MAX ... ended at '2oq' * Batch ended at MAX If MAX is the last, then it looks like that every thing is ok. 3

Explorer in 2.3

with max results limit. Viewing all the objects of a class without a query and max result limit is not

Performance problem

servers one running JBOSS and other running ObjectDB. - CPU utilization of JBOSS server is max 5-10 ... are unclear. For example: - CPU utilization of JBOSS server is max 5-10% (per core) - CPU

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

and indices needs only more ram memory, but not more and more memory. And if the max heap memory is big ... . What happens when you run the program with a smaller max heap size?   support Support If I

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

(because it is stored on an Amazon EBS disk which has max performance at that size and reduces monetary fees by having ... on an Amazon EBS disk which has max performance at that size and reduces monetary fees by having fewer

Start ObjectDB inside java code.

= new String[2] ;   test[0] = "connection port=6136 max =100" ;   test[1] = "start";   ... command or argument: connection port=6136 max =100 (error 531) Am not sure this is the right place to ask

best practice for configuration settings

questions regarding the configuration entry: ... ... max -threads we have 16 processor cores and around 400 clients communicating to our core process, each accessing objectdb. What is the best ... -Georg Zwicker With 16 processor cores the optimum could be around max -threads="16

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

) INFO: Created EjbThreadPoolExecutor with thread-core-pool-size 16 thread- max -pool-size 32 thread ... EjbThreadPoolExecutor with thread-core-pool-size 16 thread- max -pool-size 32 thread-keep-alive-seconds 60

EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery(name,query) - JPA Method

definition. This includes configuration information such as max results, hints, flush mode, lock mode


is retained as part of the named query definition. This includes configuration information such as max

Query.getMaxResults() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query int getMaxResults () The maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve. Returns Integer. MAX _VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied to the query object. Return: maximum number of results Since: JPA 2.0


Integer. MAX _VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied to the query object. Return: maximum number


() The maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve. Returns Integer. MAX _VALUE


the query object was set to retrieve. Returns Integer. MAX _VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

);   try {    long l = (Long) q.getSingleResult();    if(l Integer. MAX

suddenly a batchquery appears

of the $ file check the recovery max setting. support Support thanks, that helps hgzpincher Hans-Georg Zwicker

connection pooling

chapter 3).     The max attribute specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

collection option and explicitly set the min and max heap sizes.  Another option that affects soft

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

when trying to execute in explorer ( max heap size 1GByte) delete from LogEntry l it comes up with a Java heap error after 20 minutes of executing. How to empty such a table ?     hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker This may be because the transaction size is limited by the heap size

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

: System.setProperty("com.objectdb.lock.retry. max ", "10"); // Wait 100 milliseconds between every two tries

A bug in the JDOQL processor in recent versions of ObjectDB

There seems to be a bug in the JDOQL processor in recent versions of ObjectDB. I've uploaded a "laptop" example to demonstrate the problem. The query in Test1.main should return "ThinkMachine MAX SX ... ) correctly return "ThinkMachine MAX SX 20". Regards. kk8yukawa Keitaro Yukawa Thank you for this report

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

ObjectDB 2.8.7.b08 Our entities are not enhanced and we execute a query "select max (uid) from ModelElementImpl". In the objectdb.conf the reflection is set to error. ...   We got following ... ;    "select max (uid) from MyEntity").getResultList();      

ODB Server tries to write a log file to a weird location

= "$objectdb/log/odb" max = "8mb" stdout = "false" stderr = "false" / path = "$objectdb/log/odb/archive ... " max = "8mb" stdout = "false" stderr = "false" /              

javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName

widthPxSideBarLeft = 250;     @Min(150)     @ Max (400)    

Query.setRange(fromIncl,toExcl) - JDO Method

-based inclusive start index toExcl - 0-based exclusive end index, or {@link Long# MAX _VALUE} for no limit. Since: JDO 2.0


-based exclusive end index, or {@link Long# MAX _VALUE} for no limit. Since: JDO 2.0 void setResult