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Enhancer problem

During development, I have used the enhancer API in a static block in the code that creates the EntityManagerFactory, ie. com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.*"); com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities

How prevent post-compile enhancement of non entity classes

I have recently moved to post-compile enhancement (from automatic run-time enhancement) using an Ant build.xml for a NetBeans web app. My adapted build.xml works for both full project ... at only invoking the enhancer on entity files. For full project build the following works, by

Custom Classloader: Issues with the Enhancer Agent

(); } } } This works great without the Enhancer Agent, but once the Agent is enabled it is causing ... intercepts my call to defineClass(), makes the enhancement to the class and loads the modified version in ... (loadClass()/findClass()/...) as part of the enhancement process, resulting in a recursive call to my custom

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

is like: Info: [2016-10-30 09:16:46 #6 enhancer.agent] Not Enhanced ... .java:455) ... 76 more Severe: [2016-10-30 09:16:46 #6 enhancer.agent] I am using post-compile ObjectDB enhancement in an Ant script that targets folders with @Entity classes only.

Request clarification of changes to accessor enhancement policy (non-getter prefix instead of getter suffix) AND annotations

changes were made to the way enhancement treats getters and setters (property accessors), namely there are no longer enhanced additional getters/setters, because the additional methods now use ... pattern with reflection for various tasks, including for diagnosing whether enhancement

OEM Enhancer causing Jenkins job to freeze

Hi all, We are using ODB enhancer in one of our jobs on jenkins, built ... .Enhancer" fork="true">     <arg line="-s ${dist.dir}/our/entities/package/"/> </java> Is it possible to enable some detailed logging for enhancer

ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

my own ObjectDB module.  I try to run com.objectdb.Enhancer from that module, but ObjectDB gives ... -path com.objectdb.jar --module com.objectdb/com.objectdb.Enhancer Command output: Enhancer.main( Exception in thread "main" java.lang

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

ObjectDB 2.8.7.b08 Our entities are not enhanced and we execute a query ... to error. <entities> ... <enhancement agent ... with a message like "the entities are not enhanced ..." instead of the UserException: Unexpected

Enhancement does not show an error message when an outdated license is used

2.8.7.b08 Accidentally we used an outdated ObjectDB license, if we enhance the entities. The entities were not enhanced in our jars. But the message from the enhancement tool com.objectdb.Enhancer shows that all entites are enhanced. Can you throw an error

Enhancer option -s works not as expected

We found a bug in the enhancer with the option -s . Given structure ... .Enhancer -noaware -s com.btc.base.impl.* Entity1 and Entity2 enhanced as expected. ... com.objectdb.Enhancer -noaware -s com.btc.base.* Entity1