Internal Website Search

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Criteria Query Selection and Results

>, which adds order direction - either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The desc methods take an expression and return an ascending or

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

(e.g. c:\points.odb) or client-server (e.g. objectdb://localhost ... ; height:456px"> Entry a JPQL or a JDOQL query and click Finish


variable (with or without an explicit variable name) for iteration. Multiple variables and JOIN are not supported. The SET clause defines one or more field update expressions (using the range

Online Backup

An ObjectDB database can be backed up by simply copying or archiving the database file while the database is offline (i.e. when it is not open in an ObjectDB server and not in use by any ... /EntityManager">EntityManager (em) that represents the connection (local or

JPA Persistence Unit

>persistence.xml file can include definitions for one or more persistence units. The portable way ... have to be registered explicitly by using class elements (for single class registration) or

Working with JPA Entity Objects

> By default, managed entity objects that have not been modified or removed during a transaction ... removed from the persistence context. ObjectDB can be configured to use strong references or soft

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

(in the [Projects] window) and selecting New > Entity Class... (or  ... >persistence.xml file in a text editor (by right clicking and selecting Edit or by

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

;Eclipse or NetBeans ... to download and install ObjectDB or a Java web server - Maven will download the ObjectDB jar

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

>The database will be opened (or created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by ... application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by closing the 

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

Project. Run the project: Select Run > Run Main Project... (or F6). Choose or define Tomcat as a server and click OK.