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ObjectDB License

license covers installation of ObjectDB on all computers of one company or organization in one building ... and laptops of employees in that workplace. Servers that are leased or rented from third party web hosting and/or cloud hosting companies (including shared web hosting and VPS), if the hosted

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

>. But when using ObjectDB you can either define a standard persistence unit in an XML file or ... ObjectDB, any valid database file path (absolute or relative) is also accepted. Any string that starts with the prefix objectdb: or ends with .odb or .objectdb

JPA Criteria API Queries

or by the EntityManager's Parameter (or a or a position (which are used with string based JPQL


of all classes that are related or grouped by the application, and which must be colocated in ... >Query for executing a named query (in the Java Persistence query language or in ... query language or in native SQL).

Database Replication and Clustering

ObjectDB supports master-slave replication (cluster). When replication (or clustering ... , but no other preparations or settings are required. Setting Slave Databases Setting ... one or more <replication> elements) and also databases that are not part of any

Detached Entity Objects

/java/jpa/CascadeType">CascadeType.DETACH (or ... /jpa/EntityTransaction/rollback">rollback or by a merge if the argument is not an instance of an entity class or

Auto Generated Values

one or more fields in one or more classes. The or more fields in one or more classes. The

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

to hundreds of GBs. It has a small footprint, high performance, and a flexible architecture (1-Tier, 2-Tier or ... , as a result of special customer needs or requests) can be done without modifying code. The JDO API ... tool at all, or have a very limited one. Keep in mind that database programming without the ability


of the imported class or interface types in the type namespace. Imported type names must be unique. When used (e ... class, the name of a class or interface imported by method declareImports, or denote a class or interface from the same package as the candidate class. The method

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

>Prerequisite Knowledge A prior knowledge of database programming (SQL, JDBC or JDO) is not ... you may want to extend your knowledge of JDO by reading the JDO specification or a book on JDO. Feedback We would appreciate any comment or suggestion regarding this manual.