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Entity Management Settings

>agent attribute (whose value is "true" or "false") specifies ... - with no error or warning. "force" - reflection is used even for enhanced ... the persistence context (until commit or flush), regardless of this setting

JPA Entity Fields

transient using either the Java transient modifier (which also affects serialization) or ... > annotation). Storing an entity object in the database does not store methods or code ... object is stored in the database every persistent field must contain either null or a value

Schema Update

, classes and fields in ObjectDB databases as a complementary operation to renaming or moving ... when persistable classes are renamed or moved to another package. Running the application with persistable classes that have been renamed or moved in the IDE, with no matching schema configuration

Database Connection using JPA

/persistence-unit">persistence unit. As an extension, ObjectDB enables specifying a database URL (or ... >objectdb: or ends with .odb or .objectdb is considered by ObjectDB ... directly in your application (embedded mode), an absolute path or a relative path of a local

JPA Lifecycle Events

> - after storing a new entity in the database (during commit or flush).commit or flush). commit or flush). An entity class

Database Management Settings

, indicating that it has not been closed properly. Moving or copying a database file that has not ... > attribute (whose value is "true" or "false") specifies if a recovery file is used. The sync attribute (whose value is "true" or

Database Doctor

of the Operating System, Java or ObjectDB). Copying a database file while it is open and in use. Network or I/O failure when copying, moving or transferring a database ... ). Deleting an ObjectDB database recovery file or recording directory if it exists, or

Database Schema Evolution

>false or null). Fields in the old schema that do not have matching ... > A matching field is a field with the same name and either the same type or a convertible type, as ... value (0, false or null). The following type

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

> Less Than or Equal To < ... > Greater Than or Equal To >= TRUE, FALSE or NULL.


> for executing a named query (in the Java Persistence query language or in native SQL). Query for executing a named query (in the Java Persistence query language or in native ... > - if a query has not been defined with the given name or if the query string is found