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zip file or JAR manifest missing

I found the message: Error opening zip file or JAR ... , but others can not read or write the DB. Exception in thread "main ... .java:613) ... 2 more Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: /E:/projects/ObjectDB/bin

using objectdb.jar in writing data to mariadb or mysql db

. The front end is to be java (for desktop version) and python or php for the web version but i want to code ... the objectdb.jar to write to mariadb or mysql using native java JPA API and in some cases JPQL or must i store ... ebele ObjectDB is a standalone database. You cannot use to write to MySQL or MariaDB (as

URGENCY, or in query does not report any objects on first operand having no results

for the second operand: select a from Action a where (a.state = 2 or a.state = 3) and a.type = 0 ... a where (a.state = 3 or a.state = 2) and a.type = 0 and a.transferred = 0 there are all the results for the condition a.state = 3 it seems that the or is not working at all

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

by the persistance.xml or is something in the spring is doing something I don't understand? Or have I missed something? The reason I ask this is, I have an entity class ... , the object is being lazy loaded. So if the "equals" or "hashcode" method use more than the database

OR not working with isNull

")); Predicate ownerMatchesOrIsNull = cb.or(ownerIsNull, isOwnedByUser); The isNull predicate will only match records when NOT inside the OR predicate.  The other predicate works normally within or outside the OR. bhamilton Bruce Hamilton Your query is probably converted

@OneToOne query issue with OR and IS NULL

from A where another is null OR another.counter = 0"  What I expected ... > SELECT FROM A WHERE another IS NULL OR another.counter = 0 OR b.counter = 0 You missed the

Eager Fetch is not stable for collection or map types?

;collection or map types is not stable, we lost them sometimes after JVM restarted. Eager fetch ... > Currently there is no known open bug that can cause this problem (including in using or not using ... . We had checked our application, and the additional info is we confirm that the collection or map are stored

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

of the explorer or a real problem in the Database-File? An analysis with the DB-Doctor found no problems.   We observe the error if we try to open the Tree or Table ... if any) available in the the classpath (either in the Explorer or using your application) in order

Database Inconsistency or corruption

> If I had detailled traces of the EntityManager or of ObjectDB, I could identified when the delete ... , or flush after persist to get IDs allocated. It is unclear why your updates are not ... > If an update is not detected (e.g. due to 3 or 4) - you may try changing another (even dummy) field

Unexpected Exception (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9())

to commit transaction: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9()" because "<parameter1>" is null ... .run( Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9 ... : (No such file or directory) at java.base/ Method) at java.base