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Index Definition

field. A PersistenceException is thrown on commit (or flush) if different entities ... with no unique constraint or a unique index if unique="true"is specified (the default is null or a value of one of the following

JPA Metamodel API

/EntityManagerFactory/getMetamodel">getMetamodel method or by the or mapped super classes): ManagedType< ... multiple ID fields or properties. Finally, the

Locking in JPA

is applied on transaction commit. Any database object that has to be updated or deleted ... that has to be updated or deleted, and compares the version number of that object in the database ... the entity class or not. Pessimistic Locking The main supported pessimistic

Storing JPA Entity Objects

the persist method or implicitly as ... object is currently managed by the EntityManager) or by or alternatively by setting automatic cascading persist. Cascading

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

that is retrieved from the database (or from the L2 cache ... /OneToOne">@OneToOne or @ManyToOne explicitly in @OneToMany or

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

;filename> - path to class or jar file(s), *? wildcards supported <options> include: -cp < ... explicitly or by using wildcards: > java com.objectdb.Enhancer test ... to the enhance method as a single string delimited by commas or spaces. In addition, a class

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

a variable, parameter or prefix path expression) and uses the dot (.) operator to navigate ... to be valid the user defined persistable class must contain a persistent field (or property ... >NullPointerException is thrown on any attempt to access a field or a method via a null

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

, but before the SELECT clause. When a GROUP BY clause exists in a JPQL query, database objects (or tuples ... calculations (count, sum, avg, max, min) that are carried out on all the objects (or the object tuples) in ... have a GROUP BY clause in which all the FROM/WHERE objects (or object tuples) are considered as

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

is run using getResultList or EntityManager or at the level of a specific query, by overriding the default (JDO query language) or "ODBQL" (ObjectDB query language). The default is ODBQL

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

>zero or more of any character. The underscore character (_or literal). For example: LIKE ... >To match an actual underscore or percent character it has to be preceded by an escape character