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How to disable use of graphic windows by objectDB

on port 6136.   #The server is running port); It seems to be a known issue in Linux. Try the solution

Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

;connection port="2122" max="100" /> <data path="/usr/test/backend/db/" /> </server> < ... > <server> <connection port="2122" max="100" /> <data path="/usr/test

Drop the entire database, Change the schema

I am trying to port and example app to ObjectDb. As part of the tests I drop the database and reload it with the new schema automatically between test cycles. support Support I was porting from Eclipselink ;-) As

Database crash

#2 server] Server on port 3333 has started by 10380@wzbhb101 [2017-07-10 23:06:55 #3 ... ] Server on port 3333 has started by 11028@wzbhb101 [2017-07-14 09:08:38 #3 store]

JBoss 7 startup fails

management service using network interface (management) port (9990) 13:49:22,254 WARN [ ...] creating http management service using network interface (management) port (9990) 11:53

ObjectDB shuts down

down if the port communication is idle, or some similar inactivity. When inspecting the log it doesn’t ... problems, log doesn’t log any problems with network, ports etc. Does anybody has any suggestions

log problem

on port 6136 has stopped by 13584@odb [2014-02-07 13:00:01 #2 server] Server on port 6136 has started by 13584@odb support Support

Need disk usage and delete some old files

.getServerFileSystem(     host, port, username, password, false); port, username, password, path

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

to use port 8080). The default ObjectDB home directory is the

listening on a particular IP aside localhost

> Please what is the right way to do this. I was able to get that I can add port 8888 in configuration file