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Clarification on free license restrictions

, but I’m struggling to find a definitive answer.  The 10 entity class restriction is very clear ... embeddable classes are not restricted. support Support Does this mean that I need ... newer ObjectDB versions embeddable classes are not restricted. support Support

Does "error 522" (connect timed out) have something to do with restrictions despite license activation?

> I don't know whether it's about restrictions (UserException: "Too many persistable types (> ... access restriction that was solved. support Support

Restrict by class in query

parameter would cause results to be restricted to only objects of type Folder (I have a class

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

restrictions on the number of classes and objects in a database files. The full edition of the Software (without the restrictions) should only be used on computers ... . This can be achieved by applying similar or more restrictive terms and provisions to the entire

JPA Persistable Types

is slightly less restrictive: Static nested entity classes are allowed (non static inner ... restrictions. ObjectDB, however, does not enforce these restrictions so mapped superclasses are treated by

Server User List

> attribute, if specified, restricts the user to connect to the server only from the specified IP addresses ... above, restricts the user to the machine on which the server is running. Multiple IP addresses ... may contain one optional <quota> subelement, specifying restrictions on the directory

Database Management Settings

; Removing ObjectDB evaluation restrictions (of 10 entity classes and restrictions. Therefore, when ObjectDB runtime

ObjectDB License

Free License ObjectDB can be downloaded and used at no cost (including commercially) with the restriction of a maximum of 10 entity ... software and using it without these restrictions requires purchasing a license

Privacy Policy

(Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR 2021) you are entitled, under certain restrictions ... incomplete data. The right to restrict or stop the processing of your data.

WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

two where methods for setting the WHERE clause. Single Restriction get("population"), p)); Multiple Restrictions