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">Expression<Boolean> restriction) Specify a restriction over the groups of the subquery. Replaces the previous having restriction(s ... > restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression


">Expression<Boolean> restriction) Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the specified boolean expression. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. This method only overrides the return type


">Predicate... restrictions) Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates. A disjunction of zero predicates is false. Parameters: restrictions


">Predicate... restrictions) Create a conjunction of the given restriction predicates. A conjunction of zero predicates is true. Parameters: restrictions


">Expression<Boolean> restriction) Create a negation of the given restriction. Parameters: restriction - restriction expression


> () Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions have been specified. restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions have been specified.


that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions ... the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions ... class="teaser"> Return the predicate that corresponds to the where clause restriction(s), or


> All queries may have: a conjunction of restrictions. restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions ... the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null


Enum Constant javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKeyActionRESTRICT

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

; element specifies restrictions on connections to the server. The max attribute ... ). The address attribute is optional. If specified, the user is restricted to connect ... can have an optional <quota> sub element, specifying restrictions on the directory content