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Unable to delete the .odb file programatically

.currentTransaction().isActive()) {     pm.currentTransaction().rollback ... .currentTransaction().isActive()) {     pm.currentTransaction().rollback

@Unique member combination not working

;   em.getTransaction().rollback();           ... ;           em.getTransaction().rollback();  

evictAll() behavior

.currentTransaction().rollback();    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " --" + "provisioning rollback");   } else {    pm.currentTransaction().commit

Cannot catch a PersistenceException and continue the transaction

> Implement a BMT- it doesn't let me commit and rollback because the server is also trying ... to the application server, the transaction is not expected to be marked for rollback. support

JOD problems regarding detachCopy()

().isActive()) pm.currentTransaction().rollback(); if (!pm.isClosed()) pm.close ... ().isActive()) pm.currentTransaction().rollback(); if (!pm.isClosed()) pm.close

Embedded List

;         em.getTransaction().rollback();   

UPDATE statemen crash when i put the WHERE clause.

:#cc7832;">if (updateEm.getTransaction().isActive()) updateEm.getTransaction().rollback ... style="color:#cc7832;">if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) em.getTransaction().rollback

Sometimes the ObjectDB throws an internal expeption if a persist() was executed

an instance in the database and rollback the transaction. (As we do that in a separate thread ... , because at the beginning of our application we add for all entity classes an instance in the database and rollback

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

;           em.getTransaction().rollback();   ... ().rollback();               


.jpa.EMImpl.rollback( at rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow.ObjectDbInstanceContainer.rollback(Unknown Source) at rbccm.digest.workflow.execution.WorkflowRunner