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Upgrade to Java 8 won't run

:141) at at com.tradeunafraid.TradeUnafraid$ Source) at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall

package not found running ObjectDB under OSGi

108) The Enhancer was run in the following way :  @Override  

Does run time enhancer due to GlassFish/Payara do anything that would affect loaded compile-time entity classes ?

ObjectDB support wrote elsewhere: ... you do not need the Enhancer agent, since you use build time emhancement, but GlassFish invokes it automatically. Currently there is no setting in ObjectDB to disable the enhancer agent ... Q: Does run time

Java fails to run when using JMX Remote + ODB agent

Hi, When using both JMX Remote and ODB as agent, there is a problem to run JVM at all. All this is on Debian linux with two different JVM's. Let me show you some logs from console: - pure java  homplex@homplex01:~$ java

What is the lowest version of Java, ObjectDB will run on?

I have a legacy production environment that is running "jre1.6.0_16". I am trying to upgrade from 1.0.4 to the latest.   Thanks for your time. bmcalist Brian McAlister Current ObjectDB versions are tested with JDK 1.7, so JDK 1.7

Logging problem on attempt to start a Server that is already running

It seems that there is a bug in logging mechanism, if you try to start the database which is already started it starts filing the log continuously until it runs out of space on disk. How to check is the database runing from command promt. regards.

Post-compilation enhancement vs Automatic Run-time enhancement

We are getting massively different results on field loading between explicit post-compile enhancement and automatic run-time enhancement. Testing exactly where and when the results are different for our demo web app is a very time consuming task, and very difficult, it means testing

Run out of memory

to know. I am running the current version 2.2.7_04. Cheers, Dave dave

Stacktrace in Explorer when running query

Hello, whenever I run a query in Explorer I get the following stacktrace (cf. attached file). My environment is: macOS Sierra 10.12.1 with java version "1.8.0_112" Is there anything I can do to fix this? Many thanks in

[Explorer] Running Tools

The Explorer should support running ObjectDB tools (such as ObjectDB Server and ObjectDB Doctor) visually within the Explorer. This is one of the features that have been supported by the old Explorer of ObjectDB 1.