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exception thrown when try to run explorer again?

/JDODataStoreException at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch ... .EventQueue.access$000( at java.awt.EventQueue$ at java.awt.EventQueue$ at

Project runs in Eclipse but not when exported to runnable jar

retrieval. The project works perfectly well when run from eclipse but nothing opens when I export ... out all the code related to object db resolves the issue and the project runs, so I'm fairly sure ... GliderCalcs.odb file created by running the system through eclipse. The full retrieval is not

Stalling on "run File" in Netbeans when using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar

Properties dialog Run section under VM Options: -javaagent:lib ... fine for a Netbeans Web Application (that runs in Glassfish as web application container). run, and with executing Run File on a selected file with a main method, when 

RT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours.

Hi, I am running a java application that records data from 100 feeds into ... manager every 10 new entity) - I run it on a VPS with about 4GB of RAM. 1/ I use ... ) running for each open DB. I am not sure how to solve this problem - does it come from

Exception on creation when running multithreaded

> Everything works fine when running with one thread, however, when adding a second thread some ... Source) at$ ... and are very similar with some minor differences. Now after the CDIs creation I'm running a count query

Failed to read DB file while online backup is running

was running and was close to finish its task. The version of ObjectDB I am running is 2.6.1 ... to running of online backups. Maybe some new bug was added to the code with the previous fix. running, but even after the online backup

Problems Running ODB Explorer

When ODB is run in embedded mode (Eclipse), it is fine but the explorer throws ... .Timer.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.Timer$ ... .EventQueue$ at java.awt.EventQueue$ at java

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

to run your DB Doctor. It doesn't help. Please contact me if you need more informations ... - you may want to try running your test with build 2.3.1. It would be very helpful ... the crash. If you open the attached db with the explorer and run the query below it will crash

version 2.4.5+ with GlassFish 3.1.2, errors when runs application. Version 2.4.4 worked but not 2.4.5 or later

when running. But 2.4.4 worked javax.ejb.EJBException at com.sun.ejb ... ( at ... .call( at at com.sun.grizzly.util

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

  Running an ObjectDB Server The ObjectDB server is a pure Java application ... how to run the server. More details on server configuration and operation are provided later in this chapter. The Server as a Java program You can run the server as a Java