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How to run JPA query on Terminal instead of explorer.jar??

Because I am planning to run linux VM on Google compute Engine, I don't know whether is able to run Explorer.jar or not, if not able to run. What are the alternative way to explore database?  taheta Taheta Woon If you have an ObjectDB server running on a remote

Server closes if large query runs out of memory

to be a serious problem:  the objectdb server can run out of memory and stop if a query deals with too many ... query is run on the server, results are sent to the client and deleted there. This enables ... > In JPA: a DELETE query is run directly on the server, objects are not sent to the client

Unable to run NetBeans/JPA Web Application Tutorial

I followed each and every step of NetBeans/JPA Web Application Tutorial but when i am trying to run the web application the following error is prompted on the run console: running the tutorial, if following step by step doesn't work. support Support

Running doctor.jar with entity classes in classhpath

, so that I could add new instances of these entities to database through explorer. I tried to run com ... ?   I run doctor by executing cmd like : Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can follow these 2 steps: Run the Explorer with the new

run several embedded systems on one server, problem with double used port

we want to run several embedded systems on one server. In principle this is working ... .objectdb.o.SMR.o( at com.objectdb.o.SMR.f( at at Source)    

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

> Is it possible, or planned, to run ObjectDB purely in-memory, without a any file on disk? Note ... could not open explorer. then i erase this line then i could able to run the explorer and server ... .createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb:test.mem"); After running program it gives

Error happened while running report.

while running the report. at ... .ResultSetPreviewPage$ at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

" />   <embedded-server enabled="true" /> When enabled, embedded mode runs ... requires objectdb.jar to run! May be, it uses the configuration file which is packaged

ODB Doctor Stops Progressing (runs forever)

Hi, I have an issue with the ODB Doctor running endlessly on a 1.35GB ODB ... database is being placed.  When I run the DB Doctor without a destination file (just to check ... /questions/10756105/how-to-get-a-complete-stack-trace-of-a-running-java-program-that-is-taking-100

NullPointer running multiple client against server

Hi, I'm running objectdb in server mode, config as it comes ... (Unknown Source) at Source) at Caused by: com.objectdb.o._RollbackException: Failed to commit transaction: $1