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Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

manually, following the attached sample file. Use objectdb-jee.jar

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I disable logging (by setting log

EntityManagerFactory objects being locked during EntityManager creation

to create a sample program to recreate this issue, but were not successful in doing so.

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

have debug on, here is a sample of the console:     [2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47186

Double persist of Entity field with Cascade.ALL

> For completeness, attached is the modified sample that moves all Entity manipulation code


your sample project / projects? support Support You may also look at: http

Update Entity references if we change the type of an entity

its subclasses and your sample test passes. However, please note that:

find() cost unreasonable time!

as possible - remove unnecessary code"! Anything that is required for the sample

queries more than 10 times slower using 2.8.1 versus 2.7.6

post#15 helps. It seems that running your query on your sample database with version 2.8.1 ... it on your new database but on a old sample database for which statistics was already updated as

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

Java 9 modules. I've created a sample project that produces the warnings I am referring