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How to disable Transparent Update.

How to disable Transparent Update. I have done 2 task in a single transaction. 1. Find a entity by a em.find(Class<t> cls,Object o) and change some fields.(not updating) 2. Persist a new entity. But i found the in 1st case the changed value was updated. I have attached the sample

Get multiple entities by Id

Andreas Bischel Could you please post a sample test case that demonstrates the problem?

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

a sample database that can demonstrate this query issue? support Support sorry Its in

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

of the ObjectDB manual (included in the download). Added sample (tutorials) Maven

Bad Backups – Null Error when issuing simple query on backup via ObjectDB Explorer

? If you can share these databases or similar sample database

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

It would be impossible to answer these questions without a sample test case since many details

Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I set Database max

How to do an Offline Database Backup?

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   I desire offline backups.  I must close all connections, wait for current database

How the sort order (in queries) works for non english letters?

>See also this forum thread for more information on normalizing strings and for sample code

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

minutes on your sample database). It may be effective to run this again occasionally when the database