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Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

ex) { return -1; } } } import; import javax.persistence.Basic ... implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; private String ... (); return newObj; } } import; import javax.persistence.Basic; import

Extending model by "common entity"

Serializable {     private String val1;     private String val2 ... Serializable {     private String val4;     // (getters ... Serializable {     private String createdBy;     private

Mysterious "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" error

.Serializable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class Ostrich implements Serializable {     @Id long id;     public Ostrich() { } } package failing; import; import java

persisting object with long[][] arrays of array

"> import; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Entity ... .OneToMany; @Entity public class TESTObject implements Serializable{     private ... TESTObject2 implements Serializable{     private static final long serialVersionUID

Join query problem with new statetment

class InspirationsPerSupplierResult implements Serializable {     private static ... Inspiration extends BaseEntity implements Serializable, Convertable {      ... "> @Entity public class Product extends BaseEntity implements Serializable, Convertable {  

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

Serializable { private Calendar beginTime; private Calendar endTime; private String ... (AccessType.PROPERTY) public class Chart implements Serializable { private TimePeriod id ... implements Serializable { private long beginTime; private long endTime; private

Beginners questions

"> @Entity(name="RESULT") public class EBResult extends Pojo implements Serializable ... ") public class EBVerlag extends Pojo implements Serializable { private static final long ... ") public class EBUser extends Pojo implements Serializable{ private static final long

Query on Embedded Primary Key?

.Serializable; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence ... implements Serializable {     @EmbeddedId private Primkey2 primkey;     ... static class Primkey2 implements Serializable {     public long field1;   

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

OrderData implements Serializable {     ...     private ... Serializable {     ...     private String itemId = null;    ... > Although serializable objects that are not entity or embeddable classes are supported by ObjectDB

how explorer queries work

indicates that you are using serializable types and that the version of the serialized class ... using user defined serializable non entity / embeddable classes (serializable_types">which are not recommended anyway) and use embeddable classes instead. This way