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unable to update table in slave server database

Hi, We are facing below issue in objectdb clustering. Currently in objectdb clustering when master server is down ,in slave server during update operation in table getting below issues. Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a transaction in

Questions about the server license

permitted. I'm thinking now if I should buy the server license (which for me is quite expansive) or ... > A server license is for life (no expiration), but restricted to a specific computer.

Catching exceptions from client-server mode online backup

We're using the following to trigger an online backup and we're trying to implement server-side online backup (as discussed in server, client or both? If you get the stack trace also on the client

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

though. Is this possible using ObjectDB Server or would this be a new feature request? ThreaT Ashton

Finance data from SQL Server into ObjectDB daily

the structure of the table directly into ObjectDB from SQL Server?   Thanks

Processing thread count for 8-core server

of threads for the processing thread pool in order to get good performance for our 8-core server

Logging problem on attempt to start a Server that is already running

the server, if the port is in use, until it becomes available. Build 2.5.4_01 changes

Access to client/server database from multiple applications

Is there a preferred way to run a client-server database so that updates from one application are immediately visible to another? The way I managed this was to run PersistenceManagerFactory.getDataStoreCache().evictAll(true,MyClass.class) to ensure

Server Deadlock

Our objectdb server completely stopped responding to requests for new connections. The 'server' command also would not respond. A thread dump (attached) shows a deadlock. FastModel Ben Schreiber Thank you for this report. Build 2.2.9_01 should fix

Errors after unexpected server shutdown

After an unexpected server shutdown and restart of our application we have these messages in the log (complete log attached): … [2018-03-26 14:39:30 #1096 store] Request Value: 10:'b61e33d4-8d57-478d-9176-6aa0e2031470' [2018-03-26 14:39:30 #1097 store