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Database Server

ObjectDB Server is a tool that manages ObjectDB databases in a separate dedicated ... on other remote machines. The main benefits in running an ObjectDB server and using the client-server mode are: The ability to access and use databases from different

Server Configuration

The <server> configuration element specifies settings for running an server">ObjectDB Server. The server is affected also by ... >The default configuration file contains the following <server> element:

Server User List

to access the server">ObjectDB Server and specifies their specific ... that have to be provided when the user connects to the server. The optional ip attribute, if specified, restricts the user to connect to the server only from the specified IP addresses

SSL Configuration

) settings for secure communication in client-server mode, for both the client side and the server ... : <ssl enabled="false"> <server-keystore path="$objectdb/ssl/server-kstore" password="pwd" /> <client-truststore path="$objectdb/ssl/client-tstore

Database Replication and Clustering

on an ordinary ObjectDB server">database server. Any ObjectDB database on any server (but not in embedded mode) can function as a master database in a cluster.  ... slave databases is very easy and only requires running an ObjectDB database server with appropriate

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

An ObjectDB server can manage one or more databases. Databases that are managed by a server can be accessed by multiple processes simultaneously. In addition, the server supports accessing these databases from remote machines by TCP/IP. More details about client server mode vs. embedded


">javax.jdo.ConstantsString PMF_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID The name of the persistence manager factory element's "server-time-zone-id" attribute.


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID Mapping "javax

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

> To open a connection to a remote database using client-server mode (supported only by ObjectDB Server Edition) use the "File | Open Remote" menu command (or the equivalent toolbar button). In ... . You also have to specify a path of the database file on the remote server, possibly using

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

SQL Server. In addition, by using JDO you are backed up by a large community that's expanding ... can operate in one of two modes: embedded mode or client server mode. Client-Server Mode In client-server mode, an ObjectDB server is running on a separate JVM (in a separate process