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Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

possibility to reduce the memory consumption? If possible reduce the size of the transactions. Use enhanced classes. Reduce cache size. You can disable the L2 data cache by setting its size to 0. Use smaller database pages, so updates

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

BackingStoreFactoryRegistry SEVERE: Exception while visiting com/objectdb/o/BTI.class of size 166 java.lang ... /objectdb/o/MST.class of size 22459 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel ... ) INFO: Created EjbThreadPoolExecutor with thread-core-pool-size 16 thread-max-pool-size 32 thread

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

indicates an unexpected overflow during string writing. What are the sizes of strings in that object ... a HashMap in another PlacementBlockModel. The issue is rather connected to the size of the entity being written. As u can see in the screenshots, the size of the byte[] on which objectDB

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

#the_size_element">relevant configuration (mainly the initial database size). support ... > dansmith Daniel Smith The default values are: <size initial ... ;database> <size initial="500mb" resize="500mb" page="2kb" /> <recovery enabled="true

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

when trying to execute in explorer (max heap size 1GByte) delete from ... This may be because the transaction size is limited by the heap size. size above the heap size. See #10 in that issue thread for the requires setting

Backup file always bigger than live db file

; Why is that? Trianglehead Json Error Does the database file itself remain the same size? Is the backup size different (either smaller or larger) from the database file size, or just ... >It seems it is only the compressed file size that is getting bigger.  The DB file and the backup file

Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception

> banglo mohammad haroon Apparently you are using the default Java heap size (128MB) and this is not sufficient. You may try increasing the Java heap size by running your application ... > Page cache size

Replication error on slave restart

unused recording files or at least estimate sizing. Because I use objectDB in online game ... -history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb ... ; <logger name="*" level="info" /> </general> <database> <size initial

Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

; <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="/var/log/test/" max ... ;size initial="10mb" resize="10mb" page="2kb" /> <recovery enabled="true" sync="false" path ... ; <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" />


> What is the size of the database? What is the size of the page cache, as The size of the database is cca 42 MB Configuration ... , please check if changing the cache size affects. If it is related to the "processing