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Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

to reduce the initial size (actually 8MB)? - What performance advantages bring these files ... with the initial size of 1000 pages (default page size is 2KB but it may be 8KB in your configuration). The file will expand to contain large transactions, so its maximum size depends on the size

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

;  System.out.println("Number of children = " + myEntity.getEntityChildren().size());   ... ;   + myEntity.getEntityChildren().size());   } } @Entity public static class ... > LAZY INIT on call size() on each collection ( 5 collections )

Degrading performance overtime

; <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max ... " /> <logger name="*" level="info" /> </general> <database> <size ... , if you know the maximum database target size, you may start with that size as an initial database size

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

out to be false!     assertTrue(readings != null);     assertTrue(readings.size ... .class, doc.getId()); // This works fine assertTrue(tmpDoc.getReadings().size() == 2 ... well but should get the collection back from the DB assertTrue(tmpDoc.getReadings().size() == 0); em

Performance and memory usage of queries

this DELETE operation the entire database is affected, so ObjectDB needs RAM in the size of the database ... transactions. Currently the size of the transaction (i.e. the total size of database pages that have to be replaced) is limited by the JVM heap size. support Support

find() cost unreasonable time!

) // Success for Inheritance Sonsection //@Cache(size=10000) @DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType ... ()-start)/1000f);    if (null==sons) continue;    int iCnt = sons.size();   ... iNum = 0;   int iCnt = 0;   while (queue.size()>0){    Nodes cur = queue

Objectdb server out of heap space

, are limited to the maximum heap size of the JVM, so they cannot have full control of resources. However, you can easily increase the maximum JVM heap size (which is usually much lower than your physical ... to monitor memory use, and check the sizes of requests for data so as to keep within the bounds of resources

-XMX settings recommendation

; It is the size of the DB? number of connections?  If the DB has over 200GB of data and max ... RAM. You can track the actual heap size in production and see if it is sufficient. If you have RAM constraints and the heap size is tight, you may have to reduce the sizes

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

.objectdb.o.ISP.size( at com.objectdb.o.CLT.visitRefs( at com.objectdb.o.TVS ... ;    System.out.println(list.size());         em ... .NullPointerException: null java.lang.NullPointerException at com.objectdb.o.ISP.size(

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

The Doctor results show that the problem is indeed related to the size parameter. size 256 is indeed the limit, i.e. what is the maximum size that does work. Maybe the problem is related to the size of the values indirectly, since objects that are larger than 2KB need