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ObjectDB's Database Doctor Incorrect Error Report

> Have you set the database page size to 256KB? The maximum supported page size is 64KB, but unfortunately ... there will be a clear limit of 64KB. Thank you for this report. To avoid this error use page size ... ; I don't suppose though that ObjectDB could support the 256KB max page size

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

> The way resizing works is briefly described in the size ... DB size, to avoid resizing. The initial size was set to 4.5GB. It was running great for 6 hours ... ; <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

); System.out.println("cs size = " + cs.size()); Long ed = new Date().getTime ... ) ]] cs size = 7]] listPatientsByIDsWithBasicData - end - 1695401115663 ... .person.phone1=:q or c.person.phone2=:q or lower(c.person.nic)=:q ) ]] cs size = 7

Is it possible to remove parent/child entities without refresh?

.getChildren().size());   entityManager.refresh(parentEntity); // Reload new state from database   Assert.assertEquals(3, parentEntity.getChildren().size()); } @Test public void ... ().size());   entityManager.refresh(parentEntity);   Assert.assertEquals(2, parentEntity

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

objectdb 1.0 to 2.0 The application works fine with only 256MB heap size with objectdb 1.0  But on 2.0 even with max heap size of 1024MB, I get this error. SIZE (currently 500) records    

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

TestRunnable[runnables.size()]);             ... size of 1gb (-Xms1g -Xmx1g) partly for environment reasons, partly ... > It seems that there was a bug in evaluating the size of cached query results for queries that were run by


, rather than a collection. The execute method will return null if the query result size is 0.


"> Returns: the fetch size


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation - The Query interface allows applications to obtain persistent instances, values, and aggregate data from the data store.


> the fetch size Default value: