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size of all the countries by 10%: UPDATE Country SET population ... , the following query updates the population size of countries whose population size is smaller

ObjectDB Object Database Features

> ObjectDB can manage databases of various sizes efficiently, ranging from kilobytes ... > Database file size up to 128 TB (= 131,072 GB = 134,217,728 MB). (IS EMPTY, MEMBER OF, SIZE).

JPA Criteria API Queries

_Expression__Expression_">isNotMember, size_Expression_">size). Comparison expressions (size

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

and the cumulative population size in countries that use that currency: SELECT ... size and the average population size is then calculated. Any JPQL query that contains an aggregate

JPA Persistable Types

size: 1.125rem;">erialization is disabled by defaultsize: 1.125rem;">.

Is ObjectDB scalable? What are its limitations?

ObjectDB is highly scalable and can manage efficiently databases in a wide range of sizes, from a few Kilobytes to hundreds of Gigabytes and even Terabytes. ObjectDB can be used in small ... . ObjectDB supports: Database file size up to 128 TB (= 131,072 GB

Database Explorer

, a default viewer (a Tree window by default) is opened with the query results, and the size ... boxes on the right side to choose font face, font size, font style, background color and foreground

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

results. Filtering duplicate results might have some effect on performance, depending on the size

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

, the default viewer (the browser window by default) is opened with the query results and the size ... font face, font size, font style, background color and foreground color. Click the "Reset" button


="header"> int SIZE_GREEDY" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE_GREEDY SIZE_OPTIMAL" title="Static Field