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Out of memory

" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded GC overhead limit exceeded Database size is only 67MB, heap size is set to 1536MB. Log files are empty. Database uptime was about 3 weeks ... big (import lot of data from other source). I didn't catch the size of record log file. For now I

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

upload size limit being exceeded before the post attempt.  =(  ) I desire ... with page file size of 64 KB.  Here are relevant objectdb.conf settings: My persisted class, "JdoBlob2 ... ; Then one can navigate to Classes, double click "byte[]" to view its instances, click "Compute retained sizes

evictAll() behavior

; System.out.println("Cache size before commit= " + pm.getManagedObjects(). size ()); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); System.out.println("Cache size after commit= " + pm.getManagedObjects(). size ()); pm.evictAll(); System.out.println("Cache size after pm.evict = " + pm

ObjectDB's Database Doctor Incorrect Error Report

with this database file. Have you set the database page size to 256KB? The maximum supported page size is 64KB, but unfortunately somehow this was not enforced by ObjectDB. This was fixed now ... this error use page size of 64KB or smaller. support Support Ah, OK.  I will do that.   I

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

drives should also help. support Support Hi, We've run another test today with large initial DB size , to avoid resizing. The initial size was set to 4.5GB. It was running great for 6 hours ... that can cause large file writes? I would estimate the size of actual data in the db file

virtual servers and one file

where the hard drives are also virtualized. From a certain size of the objectdb file (approx. 1.5 GB ... on the size ) not completly loadet in memory and the virtualisation software tries to make ... problem. The ObjectDB is currently a little over 3GB in size , the respective server service is assigned

Is it possible to remove parent/child entities without refresh?

; entityManager.getTransaction().commit();   Assert.assertEquals(4, parentEntity.getChildren(). size ());   ... (3, parentEntity.getChildren(). size ()); } @Test public void testRemoveVariant2() {   ... ();   Assert.assertEquals(2, parentEntity.getChildren(). size ());   entityManager.refresh

Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

.  Our odb files are about 50Gb in size and are written to about a million times a day ... . Original File Size        Post Doctor File Size         ... In Size Can you explain why a database would increase in size after running the doctor utility?  

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

pagefile caching 1 MB (4 256KB sized pages).  The goal is to have frequent PersistenceManager L1 ... from/to the disk, but in a 256 KB sized IO packets. Is the objectdb.conf file (attached  ... of arbitrary objects (like key-value store)? CBE CBE Does ObjectDB access the datafile in page- sized IO

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

CAP Dev What is the current database file size and which file system do you use? If the database file size reached the maximum size for your file system you may have to switch to a different file ... your question, the file size of patient_history_RiteAid.odb is 157.5 GB.   The file

InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query

:08,909 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [ SIZE _BASED ... [ SIZE _BASED_ROLLING_APPENDER] - Active log file name: size _example.log 09:30:08,924 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[ SIZE _BASED_ROLLING_APPENDER] - File property is set to [ size

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

); System.out.println("cs size = " + cs. size ()); Long ed = new Date().getTime(); System.out.println ... )=:q or c.person.phone1=:q or c.person.phone2=:q or lower(c.person.nic)=:q ) ]] cs size = 7 ... .nic)=:q ) ]] cs size = 7]] listPatientsByIDsWithBasicData - end - 1695401640561

OutOfMemoryError on search after update on DB created with DB Doctor

that has the opriginal size as the DB input file (or size as specified in the configuration). We create a large file deliberatly as we do not want Object DB to increase its size during operation and end ... the initial database size , the Doctor creates a new file and uses the initial size as specified in

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

to reduce the memory consumption? If possible reduce the size of the transactions. Use enhanced classes. Reduce cache size . You can disable the L2 data cache by setting its size to 0. Use smaller ... snapshot and check the total size of the live objects. The JVM uses the available heap size to delay GC

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

The application works fine with only 256MB heap size with objectdb 1.0  But on 2.0 even with max heap size of 1024MB, I get this error. The application reads xml file of around 1GB and creates a new ... _NEW_RECORD_TRANSACTION_ SIZE (currently 500) records         

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

/objectdb/o/BTI.class of size 166 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel ... while visiting com/objectdb/o/MST.class of size 22459 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.glassfish ... ) INFO: Created EjbThreadPoolExecutor with thread-core-pool- size 16 thread-max-pool- size 32 thread

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

overflow during string writing. What are the sizes of strings in that object and what character set ... when writing a HashMap in another PlacementBlockModel. The issue is rather connected to the size of the entity being written. As u can see in the screenshots, the size of the byte[] on which objectDB

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

when trying to execute in explorer (max heap size 1GByte) delete from LogEntry l it comes ... Hans-Georg Zwicker This may be because the transaction size is limited by the heap size ... , which increases the maximum transaction size above the heap size . See #10 in that issue thread for the requires

Backup file always bigger than live db file

; Why is that? Trianglehead Json Error Does the database file itself remain the same size ? Is the backup size different (either smaller or larger) from the database file size , or just the compressed (e.g. zip) versions become larger over time? support Support It seems it is only the compressed file size that is getting

Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception

heap size (128MB) and this is not sufficient. You may try increasing the Java heap size by running ... cache size Query results cache size support Support Upping the max heap size to 256M has solved this problem. Thank you! banglo mohammad haroon

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

the initial size (actually 8MB)? - What performance advantages bring these files? Is this possible ... feature. Only one such file should be created per open database file with the initial size of 1000 pages (default page size is 2KB but it may be 8KB in your configuration). The file will expand

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

(readings != null);     assertTrue(readings. size () == 2); }     oudjanef Farid ... .getId()); // This works fine assertTrue(tmpDoc.getReadings(). size () == 2); tmpDoc.getReadings ... assertTrue(tmpDoc.getReadings(). size () == 0); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.clear(); Document finalDoc

Objectdb server out of heap space

the ObjectDB server, are limited to the maximum heap size of the JVM, so they cannot have full control of resources. However, you can easily increase the maximum JVM heap size (which is usually much lower ... , should be able to monitor memory use, and check the sizes of requests for data so as

-XMX settings recommendation

The default is 256M  what is the recommended settings based on?  It is the size ... size in production and see if it is sufficient. If you have RAM constraints and the heap size is tight, you may have to reduce the sizes of the processing cache , the L2 data cache , and the query results cache . support Support

Query only works correctly when debug printing results

printing System.out.println("result size : "+results. size ()); for(RequirementLevelEntity rle ... : "+reqListIsNull); if(reqList != null) { System.out.println("rle reqList size "+reqList. size

significant performance decrease

to around 400000 entities of one class (database file size around 1.5 GByte). The response time of standard queries increased with this database size to an unacceptable rate (several seconds compared ... properly. Please provide more details about the query, relevant entity classes, indexes, database size

TYPE Expression

;       System.out.println(" Size : " + resultList. size ());     ... ;      System.out.println(" Size : " + resultList. size ());     

Failed to commit transaction: Java heap space (error 613)

: a) What do you suggest to fix the issue above at the root - other than increasing heap size (currently not ... (of all the active threads) if this happens again. To avoid this issue without increasing heap size ... Processing (server side) cache size Query cache size Client side cache settings You may try each

Searching lists within objects

; assertEquals(1, searchResult. size ());              ... ;  assertEquals(3, searchResult. size ());            ... (1, searchResult. size ());              

Ram allocation

significant parts of the database. By increasing the ObjectDB cache sizes in the ObjectDB configuration ... can use 128GB of that RAM, we can allocate objectDB cache size to 128GB?   thanks nedim.selmanovic ... with the default page size of 2KB (and up to 128TB using an increased 64KB page size ). However, as

Doctor - high memory usage

for this database is about 650MB. It's about ten times of size of database. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski ...  have at least 2GB RAM, I don't think that running the Doctor with 512MB max heap size ... Walkowski I just checked the 64MB sample database. With 512MB max heap size ( -Xmx512m ) it works

Empty query results after JAR creation

. The Size of both DB files is exactly the same, so I have no idea what the difference is or why I need ... the Explorer.  The Size of both DB files is exactly the same There is a default initial database size so you may have the same size for an empty database and a database with some content.  

Is ObjectDB suitable for DMS (Document Management System)?

Office, OpenOffice files, PDF files etc.) properly. Are there any limits on database size or attachment size ? Does clustering(master-slave) apply also to attachments?  Thank you, David dmarko David Marko You can store large attachments in ObjectDB as byte[] fields. The database size is limited

Eager Fetch is not stable for collection or map types?

; if(result. size () 0) {       Game g = result.get(0);     ... stopped, but lost when we restart the JVM. Further more, we find if we invoke a mehtod such as size ... .class); List result = query.setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); if(result. size () 0) { Game g

Performance with large databases

whenever I run the populating application.  Is there typically a database size when indexes ... by examining the ratio between the database size and the available RAM. As long as the available ... , regardless of the JVM heap size and the ObjectDB cache size ). Except this, ObjectDB performance should not

Merge Issue: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value

. size ());         em.getTransaction().begin();     ... , resultList. size ());         em.clear();       ... .assertNotNull(a);         Assert.assertEquals(1, a.list. size ());  

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

.getEntityChildren(). size ());         }     }     ... ; + myEntity.getEntityChildren(). size ());   } } @Entity public static class MyEntity {   ... . Regarding lazy initialization with size () , it looks strange that it is faster than EAGER if referenced

JPA inheritance issue with ObjectDB - Field not found in type error

. size ()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error executing query: " + e.getMessage()); ts ... "); } else { System.out.println("Items list size : " + items. size ()); for (Vtm item : items) { System.out.println("Vtm

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

: " + query.toString());         System.out.println("Result Size : " + resultList. size ());                 ... Query: SELECT $1 FROM MyDateEntity $1 WHERE $$$cmlp1 Result Size : 1 The Predicate's toString

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

results), currently the size of a transaction (i.e. the total size of database pages that have to be replaced) is limited by the JVM heap size . Supporting huge transactions requires some major changes ... situation. For this, we need more information: What is the total size of data in the transaction

Server out of memory exceptions

. The message size going into the queue is not large - around 4k at most. Each read/write operation ... reader. The msg size being saved should be around 2mb. The server is running with -Xms256m -Xmx256m ... clients loading a 2mb msg - so 24mb raw data size ? (Let me know if I've got this wrong

Best practise loading big data

sizes of caches and how to configure them. Please clarify whether the RAM is released when you close ... sizes to reduce RAM please provide more information about the RAM consumption of relevant ObjectDB ... , even if at some time the GC collects the unused entities. When reading further, the cache size and the number

Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId

. size =" + abs . size ( ) + "]" ;          }      ... ;           return "B [id=" + id + ", abs. size =" + abs . size ... .HibernatePersistenceProvider - Found no matching persistence units [A [id=1, abs. size =1]] [B [id=1, abs

Blocked by find

varied in size from 1MB but the entity object is simple and looks like: @Entity public class DataHolder ... but with processing and query cache sizes set to 0mb due to issues we've seen in the past with large objects ... , sometimes it seems to run on past 10k persists without problems. I bumped up the object size (int

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

you have mistaken shallow heap size as instances.  It is only 1 instance of EMF as seen in the better ... . However, the default size of the connection pool is 50, so it is unclear how there are 132 objects. Another option ... instances in there are 54MB.  Is that a normal size for those objects?  What are the things

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

.lang.NullPointerException at com.objectdb.o.ISP. size ( at com.objectdb.o.CLT.visitRefs ... (list. size ());         em.close();       ... at com.objectdb.o.ISP. size ( at com.objectdb.o.CLT.visitRefs( at com.objectdb.o


. Are there any errors? What is the size of the database? What is the size of the page cache, as ... . The size of the database is cca 42 MB Configuration is default: The problem occurs once after several hours ... Since these exceptions may be related to the cache, please check if changing the cache size affects. If it is related

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

to the size parameter. Unfortunately it would be very difficult to locate the source of the problem ... are needed, it will take a lot of time, and the effort may not succeed. Please check if value size 256 is indeed the limit, i.e. what is the maximum size that does work. Maybe the problem is related

java.lang.NullPointerException during access a field, only if the classes enhanced

.IVP.m( at com.objectdb.o.IVP.l( at com.objectdb.o.ISP. size ( ... at com.objectdb.o.ISP. size ( at com.objectdb.o.CLT.visitRefs( at com.objectdb.o ... .objectdb.o.ISP. size ( at java.util.HashSet. (Unknown Source) at com.btc.ep

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

this on if you think it would be useful The current theory is that this may be related to the size ... at which point data sizes increased substantially. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot Recording ... ) and is help as a string. The size is certainly larger than 2k and is likely to be in MB. The second