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evictAll() behavior

so i did sth like this   System.out.println("Cache size before commit= " + pm.getManagedObjects().size()); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); System.out.println("Cache size after commit= " + pm.getManagedObjects().size()); pm

Out of memory

> Database size is only 67MB, heap size is set to 1536MB. Log files are empty. Database uptime was about 3 ... transactions that are really big (import lot of data from other source). I didn't catch the size of record log file. For now I turned on heap size monitoring and I will try add more details

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

>Database Size: Our MySQL database was 66GB in size before migration. size="50" user="true ... ;       <size initial="1000mb" resize="1000mb" page="2kb" />      

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

> will return all the attributes of size:12px;"> size:12px;">package test; size:12px;">

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

due to an attachment upload size limit being exceeded before the post attempt.  =(  ) I ... Datastore page file cache with page file size of 64 KB.  Here are relevant objectdb.conf settings: <size initial="64kb" resize="64kb" page="64kb" /> <processing

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

results), currently the size of a transaction (i.e. the total size of database pages that have to be replaced) is limited by the JVM heap size. Supporting huge transactions requires some ... > What is the total size of data in the transaction? What combination of DELETE

Server out of memory exceptions

. The other has a single writer and single reader. The message size going into the queue is not large ... , each with 5 writers and 1 reader. The msg size being saved should be around 2mb. The server ... at most we should have 12 clients loading a 2mb msg - so 24mb raw data size? (Let me know if I've


", column=@Column(name="STREET_NAME")), @AttributeOverride(name="value.size ... { Integer parcelNumber; Integer size; BigDecimal tax; }


"> Set the fetch size for large result set support. Use SIZE_OPTIMAL" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL to unset, and SIZE_GREEDY" title="Static Field


the fetch size, or SIZE_OPTIMAL" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL if not set, or SIZE_GREEDY" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE