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Query performance in general

file page size: the default is 2kb and the documentation says, that should be fine for most applications. Are there scenarios you know of, that perform better with bigger page sizes (e.g. if an Entity ... should help, but regarding your questions: The page size may have some effect

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

the size of the connection pool (the default in ObjectDB is currently 50), by using the JDO method ... > You can limit the size of the connection pool (the default in ObjectDB ... >You can specify the max pool size when you initialize the EntityManagerFactory:

Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

where heap size ect gets set.   My other option is to have   ... ="" pool-resize-quantity="10" datasource-classname="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" max-pool-size="20" res-type="javax.sql.DataSource" steady-pool-size="10" description="" name="pgsqlPool">

Object as parameter results in exception

; if(resultList.size() > 0){    return resultList.get(0);   }   return null ... ().createQuery(c);   List<T> resultList = q.getResultList();   if(resultList.size ... ();   if(resultList.size() > 0){    return resultList.get(0);   }   return

in-memory and on-disk support?

may be acceptable. Given I have a fixed DB size(800GB) with the need to purge oldest records as new ones come in would it be more optimal to set the <size> element as follows: <size initial="800000mb" resize="0kb" page="2kb" /> Or would that result in excessive

Caching/Paging Questions...

memory size of ObjectDB L2 cache or EntityManager context ? Q4: The size of the L1 cache is automatic. There is no limit on the maximum size of the L2 cache. Using setFirstResult and setMaxResults

Issue with orphanRemoval and multiple EntityManagers

Hi, We have a problem where our database size grows over time more than expected. We've traced it down to the following issue: I have some entities ... ;      System.out.println("Number of addresses: "+res3.size());   

Complex Schema Upgrade not working

> However, looking at the DB-Size, it still has the same size? The DB-Server

Exception when the log file is full and no archive is defined

name="*" level="debug") and logged to a file with limited size. We did not configure a log-archive (log-archive path="" retain="0"). That caused an exception when the log file reached its size limit ... more Arne Arne Stocker Limiting the size of the log file without setting an archive

Out of Memory - Slow leak?

with -Xmx2g. Message size is approx 1k and there should never be more than 2 messages being consumed ... , with different configuration (page cache size, query cache size) for the metadata server and the data server.