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Entity can be found by find() but not by query

, sometimes we get the entity and sometimes we don't get the entity by query. Have you an idea

Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library

Please provide step by step instructions on how to use this example to get the exception on #1 ... (Unknown Source) ... 78 more   How to use the example step-by-step ... .main( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.objectdb.spi

JBoss 7 startup fails

> If you built the project by yourself step by step - maybe you misplaced a directory or a file. Argentino Argentino Please provide step by step instructions for reproducing these two problems ... by the enhancer (error 108) 13:49:37,705 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-3) com.objectdb.o

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

;step by step, but updating the pom.xml file to use newer versions ... I have created a project as guided by ... to use eclipse to single step thru the source code. Also, to remove the one syntax error

Query becomes slower on moving from ObjectDB 1.x to ObjectDB 2.x

> To activate the index the database has to be rebuilt by running the Doctor in repair mode. After fixing the index in that database (by running ... that, before conversion, i need to do the following steps 1. Update the package.jdo

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

database when the master is unavailable. I simulate the master unavailable by stopping the master server ... :253) at tutorial.Main.main( Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed ... .createEntityManager( ... 1 more Caused by: Connection refused: connect

Mapped by fields are not initialized by JOIN FETCH in queries

As demonstrated in this forum thread, a mapped by collection field with lazy fetch mode is not initialized in results of a query that uses JOIN FETCH on that collection field (when enhancement is used). support Support   Build 2

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

thread dump shows a page cache lock (0x00000000b6681e10) by one thread. The second thread dump ... caused by any specific activity, we run more or less the same queries all day.  by users as slow), e.g. by using additional indexes, to prevent the need for repeating requests

log entry and massive performance issues

>>>> our application step by step blows up (as more and more starts executing a simple ... .reportPrimaryResult" message should be followed by an exception, do you have a stack trace ... by using embedded-server mode, is it related to the move to version 2.7.4_02? If it is a separate

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

= (Collection)query.execute(); Queries are represented by the javax.jdo.Query interface. A Query instance is constructed by one of the by object, and the filter is evaluated for every Person