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Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [New Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting New Servlet ... : If a new guest has registered (using a JSP form that will be added in the next tutorial step ) - a new Guest

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [Create Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting  ... that will be added in the next tutorial step ) - a new Guest entity object is constructed and stored in

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

In this step we will add a Spring Controller to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window ... . A GuestDao component is automatically constructed and injected by Spring into the guestDao field

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

In this step we will add a Spring Controller to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting ... is automatically constructed and injected by Spring into the guestDao field (because it is annotated

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [Create Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting ... the next tutorial step ) - a new Guest entity object is constructed and stored in the database. All the Guest

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [New Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting New Servlet ... (using a JSP form that is shown in the next tutorial step ) - a new Guest entity object

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a session bean (EJB) class that we will define in this step : Open the [New Session Bean] dialog box by right clicking the guest package ... getAllGuests() { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY", Guest.class

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a session bean (EJB) class that we will define in this step : Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right clicking the guest package ... Guest g ORDER BY", Guest.class); return query.getResultList(); } } The GuestDao session bean (EJB

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a Data Access Object (DAO) that we will define in this step as a Spring MVC component: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right ... () { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY", Guest.class); return

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a Data Access Object (DAO) that we will define in this step as a Spring MVC component: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right ... getAllGuests() { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY", Guest.class); return

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook HTML output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking the WEB-INF node under the Web Pages node (in the [Projects] window ... , which contains a simple form for signing the guestbook, followed by a list of all the guests

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook page output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking the Web Pages node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting New JSP ... a simple form for signing the guestbook, followed by a list of all the guests

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook page output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking the Web Pages node (in the [Projects] window) and selecting New JSP ... a simple form for signing the guestbook, followed by a list of all the guests

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

from the request's "guests" attribute that is set by the servlet in the previous step ). The next step ... In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook page output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking the WebContent node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

the request's  guestDao attribute that is set by the controller in the previous step ... In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook HTML output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking WEB-INF under src/main/webapp (in the [Package Explorer] window

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

" attribute that is set by the servlet in the previous step ). The next step (and the last one in this tutorial) is running the web application . ... In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook page output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking the WebContent node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

the [New Entity Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project node (in the [Projects] window ... the [Provider and Database] step just click Finish to generate a default persistence.xml file ... to the project (under Configuration Files). Open the persistence.xml file in a text editor ( by right

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

the [New Entity Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project node (in the [Projects] window ... entity class. In the [Provider and Database] step click Finish to generate a default persistence.xml ... a text editor ( by right clicking and selecting Edit or by double click and then moving to the XML

Step 4: Create an ObjectDB Data Set

the [New Data Set] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sets node in the [Data Explorer] window and selecting New Data Set . Select the data source that was created in the previous step (e.g. ObjectDB Points ).  Enter a data set name (e.g. Points by X ) and click Next . The database in

Step 5: Design a BIRT Report Chart

In this step we will add a simple chart to the report: Open the [New Chart] dialog box by dragging a  Chart from the [Palette] window and dropping it on the report design (.rptdesign) layout ... to see the chart with the real data: In the next step we will add a table view of the same data to the report.

Step 1: Install BIRT and ObjectDB Driver

We start by installing the BIRT development environment and the ObjectDB data source driver ... IDE for Java EE Developers. Update your existing Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers environment by ... an existing  Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers environment: Open the [Install] dialog box by

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

The Guest entity objects will be stored in an ObjectDB database, which will be represented by ... created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by instantiating an EntityManagerFactory . The database will be closed when the web application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by

Step 6: Design a BIRT Report Table

In this final step we will add a simple table to the report: Open the [Insert Table] dialog box by ... ) layout. Set the column number to 2 , number of details to 1 , select the data set (e.g. Points by X ) in the third field and click OK . Fill the table with data by dragging the x and y columns from

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new Eclipse Dynamic Web Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by ... as a new server by clicking the New Runtime... button . Follow the instructions and specify the path ... web project. Now, add ObjectDB support to the new Eclipse Project - by dragging the objectdb

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

The Guest entity objects will be stored in an ObjectDB database, which will be represented by ... created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by instantiating ... down), by closing the  EntityManagerFactory . To register a ServletContextListener : Open the [New

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project node (in the [Package Explorer] window ... + ")"; } } The Guest entity class will represents guests in the database. We also need to configure JPA by setting a META-INF/persistence.xml file: Open the [New Folder] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

We start by creating a new Maven-WTP dynamic web project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using  File New Project... Select  Maven Maven Project and click  ... folder: Note: You should verify now that Maven Integration for WTP is installed, by right clicking

Step 1: Create a Java EE 6 Web Project

We start by creating a new Java EE dynamic web project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Web Dynamic Web Project and click Next . Choose ... runtime. Note: You may have to add GlassFish 3 as a new server by clicking the New Runtime... button

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new NetBeans Web Application Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Web Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project ... : You may have to add Tomcat 6 as a new server by clicking the Add... button . Follow the instructions and specify

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

editor ( by right clicking and selecting  Open With Text Editor or by double click ... the WEB-INF directory. The next step (and the last in this tutorial) is  running the Spring web application .

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new NetBeans Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Java Application and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Tutorial ... with ObjectDB/JPA support. The next step is creating a JPA Entity class .

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

another xml configuration file. Open the web.xml file (under Web Pages WEB-INF) in a text editor ( by right clicking and selecting Edit or by double click and then moving to the XML tab in the editor window ... for JSP pages in the WEB-INF directory. The next step (and the last in this tutorial) is running the Spring web application .

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

We start by creating a new Maven web project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Maven Maven Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project ... MVC Framework and ObjectDB/JPA support. The next step is creating a JPA Entity class .

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

, enter src/main/java as Folder Name and click Finish . Open the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by ... by setting a  META-INF/persistence.xml file: Right click the src/main/resources node (in ... Now ObjectDB should be used as a JPA provider with the specified database url. The next step

Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project

We start by creating a new Java EE 6 Web Application project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Web Web Application and click Next . Choose ... Application project with ObjectDB/JPA support. The next step is creating a JPA Entity class .

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new Java project, using: File New Project... If you are using Eclipse IDE ... with ObjectDB/JPA support. ObjectDB/JPA can also be added to existing projects, by adding ... JARs... The next step is creating a JPA Entity class .

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

To store objects in an ObjectDB database using JPA we need to define an entity class: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the tutorial package node (in the [Projects] window ... . The next step is adding a Main class that stores and retrieves instances of the Point entity class.

Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source

Connections to the database are represented in BIRT as data sources. To create an ObjectDB data source: Open the [New Data Source] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sources node in the [Data ... of the ObjectDB data source. The next step is using this data source to create a data set for the BIRT report.

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

To store objects in an ObjectDB database using JPA we need to define an entity class: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project node (in the [Package Explorer] window ... and the id field (and its annotations) - the Guest class is an ordinary Java class. The next step is adding

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

To store objects in an ObjectDB database using JPA we need to define an entity class: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the project node (in the [Projects] window ... . But nevertheless, this class is a valid ObjectDB entity class, despite the warning. The next step is adding a context

Step 2: Create a Project and a Report

To use BIRT we need to create a BIRT Report project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Report Project ... file name (e.g. report.rptdesign ) and click Finish. The next step is creating an ObjectDB data source .

Step 4: Run the Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the Main node (in the [Projects] window ... 1,000 objects. You can view the content of the database file by opening it in the ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 4: Run the Application

You can now run the application by right clicking the file (in the [ Package Explorer ] window) and selecting Run As Java Application . The expected output in the Eclipse [Console] window ... by opening it in the ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the Eclipse JPA tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

;you can run the application now by right clicking the project node (in the [Project Explorer] window ... ; ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the  Manual .

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Project Explorer] window) and selecting Run As Run on Server Finish : Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode ... : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 6: Run the Web Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Project Explorer] window) and selecting Run As Run on Server Finish : Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode ... the database file in ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the  GuestServlet node (in the [Projects] window), selecting  Run File , and then clicking  OK (no need to change the servlet ... server and open the database file in ObjectDB Explorer : This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 6: Run the Web Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Projects] window), selecting Run File , and then clicking  OK (no need to change the servlet execution URI ... of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

- you should be able to run your application now by selecting Run Run Main Project from the main menu (or ... enabled without specifying a Java agent. This is the end of the tutorial. Learn more about ObjectDB and JPA by reading the Manual .

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

(and its annotations) - the Point class is an ordinary Java class. The next step is adding to the project