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ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

ObjectDB 2.3 has been released and it includes important additions and fixes: Added the ability totool/explorer#editing_database_content"> edit ... to tool/explorer#viewing_database_content">execute queries in the Explorer

multiple different applications access one odb file

objectdb for BI tools (BIRT is not an option, it will have to be an enterprise tool). thanks

Server connection management

to the application. tool/replication">Replication (introduced in ObjectDB 2.1) enables also tool/replication#connecting_to_the_database_cluster">specifying replicated servers

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

ObjectDB 2.1 has been released and it includes important additions and fixes: Added tool/backup">Online Backup utility (issue #16). Added Master-Slave tool/replication

ObjectDB Clustering VS Hadoop Hbase

with a price tag of slower performance. In using tool/replication ... /jpa/tool/replication#setting_a_master_database">configuration of the master-slave

New Tutorial: Using BIRT with ObjectDB/JPA

Version 2.2.7 of ObjectDB added support of report generation using the popular open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). The new tool/report/birt">Report Generation with BIRT and JPA tutorial provides step by step


: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/tools/attach ... :\Java\jdk8\lib\tools.jar to the classpath, but that did not make any difference.

java.lang.NullPointerException when using ORDER BY

your DB explorer tool when running the query:   tool and it did not help. We also deleted the DB file and re-created the DB from

ObjectDB 2.3.0

Added the ability totool/explorer#editing_database_content"> edit databases in the Explorer (issue #2). Added the ability to tool/explorer#viewing_database_content">execute queries in

BIRT Driver Improvements

Currently the tool/birt">ObjectDB BIRT driver has the following limitations that should be fixed: It works with Eclipse 3.6 and BIRT 2.6 ... . To install the BIRT driver in Eclipse - follow the tool/report/birt