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Data migration from SQLServer to ObjectDB

Hi, could someone recommend a good tool to use for data migration from SQLServer to ObjectDB. irene05 irene lan Unfortunately there is currently no such automatic tool. Using a JPA ORM library (e.g. Hibernate or EclipseLink) you can write your own conversion

Fetching Collections Puzzle

="/java/jpa/tool/enhancer">enhancement is used (which is recommended anyway to improve ... > Thankyou so much ! It seems my search for the perfect tool is over.

How to check if the classes were enhanced correctly with valid OEM license?

Hello, is there a way/tool how to check whether build classes were enhanced with valid OEM license? Scenario: 1) Build and enhance Java application ... the build above. 3) Run some tool against picked JAR to determine the result of enhancing

alter table

>Add the index definition and rebuild the database using the tool/doctor">Object ... the tool/doctor">Object Doctor  I'm not sure after index

ODB with Netbeans

>This is another JPA restriction, which is not enforced by ObjectDB, tool/enhancer ... these errors in Tools > Options > Editor > Hints > Java. However, please notice

evictAll() behavior

I'm writing a multi-user drawing tool, using objectdb as the central store.  When a user press F5, I want to pick up all the changes from the database.  So, I call evictAll ... ) classes are not tool/enhancer">enhanced. ObjectDB supports

Speed of queries that return many objects

at once, and an ODBMS (or maybe DBMS in general) may not be the most efficient tool for this purpose. Although an ODBMS may not be the right tool, you may still try using it in a non

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

a special program. A database needs to have a tool for that. Thanks. Pablo Berra ... that it was under development, but there was no change from that time! A better admin tool would be a great

Best practise loading big data

the tool needs less than 2 minutes to read a million values - now as before with different cache settings ... > With not enhanced classes the tool needs less than 2 minutes to read a million values - now

ObjectDB BIRT Driver Update

The tool/birt">ObjectDB BIRT/ODA driver is an extension of the open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that adds support of ObjectDB as a data source and JPQL as a data set query language. In the current implementation ObjectDB