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1-50 of 200 resultsJPA Persistable Types The term persistable types refers to data types that can be used for storing data in the database. ObjectDB supports all the JPA persistable types , which are: User defined classes - Entity classes, Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes. Simple Java data types : Primitive types , Wrappers, String | |
Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API classes) are represented in JPQL by the following types of expressions: Variables - FROM ... . But more often they are used in JPQL path expressions that navigate to values of simple types (number, boolean, string, date). Simple type values are more useful in queries. They have special operators | |
JPA Metamodel API Types The following interfaces and enum represent types in the JPA Metamodel API: See the Metamodel Type Interface Hierarchy section for more details and examples. | |
Core JPA Types This section contains the most essential JPA types . | |
JPA Metamodel API that Java reflection provides for general Java types . The Metamodel Interface The main interface of the JPA ... types (which are referred to as managed types ) in the persistent object model. Three methods can be used to retrieve sets of types : // Get all the managed classes: // (entity classes | |
Database Schema Evolution name and either the same type or a convertible type , as explained below. A matching field ... the hierarchy, removing an intermediate class in the hierarchy, etc.). Convertible Types When an old matching field is found but its type is different than the type of the new field (with the same name | |
ObjectDB Object Database Features and type versioning. Class hierarchy changes are handled automatically. New added fields are handled automatically. Removed fields are handled automatically. Most field type changes are handled ... types , fields and properties . Object Model & Data Types ObjectDB supports persisting complex Java | |
Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries Literals in JPQL, as in Java, represent constant values. JPQL supports various types of literals ... (e.g. 'abc' ), enum literals (e.g. mypackage.MyEnum.MY_VALUE ) and entity type literals (e.g. Country ... the ordinary Java syntax for enum values, but the fully qualified name of the enum type | |
javax.persistence.metamodel.Type JPA Interface Type Type Parameters: - The type of the represented object or attribute Instances of the type Type represent persistent object or attribute types . Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Class getJavaType () Return the represented Java type . Return: Java type Since: JPA 2.0 Type | |
javax.persistence.metamodel.Type | |
ManagedType | |
ManagedType | |
Subgraph.addKeySubgraph(attributeName,type) - JPA Method;attributeName, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types . Subclass subgraphs will include the specified attributes | |
Subgraph.addSubgraph(attributeName,type) - JPA Method;attributeName, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type ... subgraphs Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute type - entity subclass Return: subgraph ... of this managed type . IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type | |
Subgraph.addKeySubgraph(attribute,type) - JPA Method;attribute, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types . Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified | |
EntityGraph.addKeySubgraph(attributeName,type) - JPA Method;attributeName, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types . Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified | |
EntityGraph.addSubgraph(attributeName,type) - JPA Method;attributeName, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node ... subgraphs. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute type - entity subclass Return: subgraph | | - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Expression Expression as ( Class type ... cause type conversion: the runtime type is not changed. Warning: may result in a runtime failure. Parameters: type - intended type of the expression Return: new expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 | |
IdentifiableType | |
IdentifiableType | |
Query.getParameter(position,type) - JPA Method; Class type ) Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared positional parameter with the given position and type . This method is not required to be supported by the provider. Parameters: position - position type - type Return: parameter object Throws | |
Query.getParameter(name,type) - JPA Method; Class type ) Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name and type . This method is required to be supported for criteria queries only. Parameters: name - parameter name type - type Return: parameter object Throws: IllegalArgumentException | |
Subgraph.addSubgraph(attribute,type) - JPA Method;attribute, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node ... subgraphs Parameters: attribute - attribute type - entity subclass Return: subgraph for the attribute | |
javax.persistence.ColumnResult.type JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.ColumnResult Class type default void.class (Optional) The Java type to which the column type is to be mapped. If the type element is not specified, the default JDBC type mapping for the column will be used. Since: JPA 2.1 | |
EntityGraph.addKeySubgraph(attribute,type) - JPA Method;attribute, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types . Subclass subgraphs will include the specified attributes | |
EntityGraph.addSubclassSubgraph(type) - JPA Method; type ) Add additional attributes to this entity graph that correspond to attributes of subclasses of this EntityGraph's entity type . Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs. Parameters: type - entity subclass Return: subgraph for the subclass | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(root,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Root treat ( Root root, Class type ) Downcast Root object to the specified type . Parameters: root - root type - type to be downcast to Return: Root object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(path,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Path treat ( Path path, Class type ) Downcast Path object to the specified type . Parameters: path - path type - type to be downcast to Return: Path object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(join,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Join treat ( Join join, Class type ) Downcast Join object to the specified type . Parameters: join - Join object type - type to be downcast to Return: Join object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(join,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder MapJoin treat ( MapJoin join, Class type ) Downcast MapJoin object to the specified type . Parameters: join - MapJoin object type - type to be downcast to Return: MapJoin object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(join,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder ListJoin treat ( ListJoin join, Class type ) Downcast ListJoin object to the specified type . Parameters: join - ListJoin object type - type to be downcast to Return: ListJoin object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(join,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder SetJoin treat ( SetJoin join, Class type ) Downcast SetJoin object to the specified type . Parameters: join - SetJoin object type - type to be downcast to Return: SetJoin object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
CriteriaBuilder.treat(join,type) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder CollectionJoin treat ( CollectionJoin join, Class type ) Downcast CollectionJoin object to the specified type . Parameters: join - CollectionJoin object type - type to be downcast to Return: CollectionJoin object of the specified type Since: JPA 2.1 | |
EntityGraph.addSubgraph(attribute,type) - JPA Method;attribute, Class type ) Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node ... subgraphs. Parameters: attribute - attribute type - entity subclass Return: subgraph | |
IdentifiableType | |
IdentifiableType | |
Tuple.get(i,type) - JPA Method type ) Get the value of the element at the specified position in the result tuple. The first position is 0. Parameters: i - position in result tuple type - type of the tuple element Return: value of the tuple element Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if i exceeds length of result tuple or element cannot be assigned to the specified type Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Type | |
Path | |
JDO Miscellaneous Types This section contains miscellaneous JDO types : | |
[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata-superclass attribute. identity- type and objectid-class The identity- type and objectid-class attributes ... and persistent in JDO), or a field whose declared type is java.lang.Object or some interface, but holds at runtime only values of persistent types . Specifying a none value, as demonstrated by field f1 , changes | |
[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries if the field exists but its type cannot be compared with an int value, a JDOUserException is thrown ... much faster. The execute() method returns a Collection instance, but its declared return type is Object ... the candidate collection . A Query instance for this type of query can be obtained by | |
[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes). 3.2 Persistent Fields and Types Storing a persistent object in the database does not ... transient , and have persistent types . Every persistent class is a persistent type . The following predefined system types are also persistent types : All the primitive types - boolean , byte , short , char | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects object, regardless of its type . Instances of persistent classes can become persistent later, as ... reachability is applicable to all persistent types , including system types , such as String and ArrayList (a complete list of persistent types is available at section 3.2 ). ObjectDB provides an additional | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.types JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent Class[] types default {} Types of the member. Used when the declared member type is a supertype of the actual type that is stored in the member. For example, the declared member type might be an interface type that must contain an object of a concrete type when used for persistence. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Value.types JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Value Class[] types default {} Types of the values. This can be determined if using JDK1.5 generics but is required otherwise. Multiple types can be specified if the implementation supports multiple types . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Key.types JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Key Class[] types default {} Types of the keys. This can be determined if using JDK1.5 generics but is required otherwise. Multiple types can be specified if the implementation supports multiple types . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
InstanceLifecycleEvent.InstanceLifecycleEvent(source,type) - JDO Constructor JDO Constructor in javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEvent InstanceLifecycleEvent ( Object source, int type ) Creates a new event object with the specified source and type . Parameters: source - the instance that triggered the event type - the event type Since: JDO 2.0 | |
InstanceLifecycleEvent.InstanceLifecycleEvent(source,type,target) - JDO Constructor;Object source, int type , Object target ) Creates a new event object with the specified source , type , and target . Parameters: source - the instance that triggered the event type - the event type target - the "other" instance Since: JDO 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Element.types JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Element Class[] types default {} Types of the elements. This can be determined if using JDK1.5 generics but is required otherwise. Multiple types can be specified if the implementation supports multiple types . Since: JDO 2.1 |