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Tuple.get(alias,type) - JPA Method

;Class   type ) Get the value of the tuple element to which the specified alias has been assigned. Parameters: alias - alias assigned to tuple element type - of the tuple element Return: value ... the query result tuple or element cannot be assigned to the specified type Since: JPA 2.0

StoredProcedureQuery.registerStoredProcedureParameter(parameterName,type,mode) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery StoredProcedureQuery registerStoredProcedureParameter (   String parameterName,    Class  type ,    ... of the parameter as registered or specified in metadata type - type of the parameter mode - parameter mode Return: the same query instance Since: JPA 2.1

StoredProcedureQuery.registerStoredProcedureParameter(position,type,mode) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery StoredProcedureQuery registerStoredProcedureParameter (   int position,    Class  type ,     ... . Parameters: position - parameter position type - type of the parameter mode - parameter mode Return: the same query instance Since: JPA 2.1

CommonAbstractCriteria.subquery(type) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractCriteria Subquery subquery (   Class   type ) Create a subquery of the query. Parameters: type - the subquery result type Return: subquery Since: JPA 2.1

CriteriaBuilder.function(name,type,args) - JPA Method

 name,    Class   type ,     Expression ... args ) Create an expression for the execution of a database function. Parameters: name - function name type - expected result type args - function arguments Return: expression Since: JPA 2.0

Type.getJavaType() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.metamodel. Type Class getJavaType () Return the represented Java type . Return: Java type Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel.Bindable $BindableType ENTITY_ TYPE Entity type Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.NamedSubgraph Class type default void.class (Optional) The type represented by this subgraph. The element must be specified when this subgraph is extending a definition on behalf of a subclass. Since: JPA 2.1


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.StoredProcedureParameter Class type default null JDBC type of the paramter. Since: JPA 2.1


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel. Type $PersistenceType BASIC Basic type Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.PersistenceContext PersistenceContextType type default PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION (Optional) Specifies whether a transaction-scoped persistence context or an extended persistence context is to be used. Since: JPA 1.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel. Type $PersistenceType MAPPED_SUPERCLASS Mapped superclass Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel. Type $PersistenceType EMBEDDABLE Embeddable class Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.metamodel. Type $PersistenceType ENTITY Entity Since: JPA 2.0

JPA Entity Fields

persistable types . ObjectDB supports persistent fields with any declared static type , including a generic java.lang.Object , as long as the type of the actual value at runtime is persistable (or null ... - for references of entity types . OneToMany , ManyToMany - for collections and maps of entity types

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

and JDO. JPA follows Java numeric promotion principles. For example, the resulting type ... to 10.7 The ABS function takes as an argument a numeric value of any type and returns a value of the same type . The MOD Function The MOD function calculates the remainder of the division of one number by

Database Explorer

of bookmarked entity objects. The [Schema] window shows the user defined persistable types (entity ... Windows The Explorer provides two types of viewer windows for viewing the database data. The Table window ... of a single field in a single database object. This type of viewer is useful for viewing data of a simple

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

Types Comparison is supported for values of the following data types : Values of numeric types , including primitive types ( byte , short , char , int , long , float , double ), wrapper types ( Byte ... , comparing the content rather than the identity. Values of the boolean and Boolean types can be compared by

Query Parameters in JPA

appearing in the query string. The parameter type is inferred by the context. In the above example, a comparison of :name to a field whose type is String indicates that the type of :name itself is String ... (of type ParameterExpression or its super interface Parameter ) rather than by names or numbers

JPA Primary Key

the database is uniquely identified (and can be retrieved from the database) by the combination of its type ... . Instances of other persistable types are always stored as part of their containing entity objects ... that is set by the application can have one of the following types : Primitive types : boolean , byte , short

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

objects (e.g. values of system types and user defined embeddable objects) return as results value ... ); The select method takes one argument of type Selection  and sets it as the SELECT clause content  ... above. The behavior of the multiselect  method depends on the query result type (as set

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

at the FROM clause level. JPA 2, however, adds support for filtering instances of specific types at the WHERE clause level by using a type expression . For example, in the following query, c iterates ... variables represent iteration over all the database objects of a specified entity type . JPQL provides


should be used mainly when the query result type is unknown or when a query returns polymorphic ... . When a more specific result type is expected queries should usually use the TypedQuery interface. It is easier to run queries and process the query results in a type safe manner when using the TypedQuery interface

Running JPA Queries

returns a result list of a raw type (non generic) instead of a parameterized (generic) type : Query query ... to cast the above results to a parameterized type ( List ) will cause a compilation warning ... ;result collection of a parameterized type can be iterated easily using an enhanced for loop: for (Country

Index Definition

every indexed field must contain either null or a value of one of the following persistable types : Primitive types : boolean , byte , short , char , int , long , float , double. Equivalent wrapper ... , java.sql.Timestamp. Any enum type . Reference to an entity object. Arrays and collections that contain

Privacy Policy

, as applicable. Collecting and Using Your Personal Data Types of Data Collected Personal Data ... device identifiers, browser type , browser version, the time and date of Your visit, the pages ... automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID

Storing JPA Entity Objects

of other persistable types can only be stored in the database embedded in containing entities (as field ... already contains another entity of the same type with the same primary key, an EntityExistsException ... (); Instances of persistable types other than entity classes are automatically stored embedded in

Control and Setting

This section contains miscellaneous JPA types . The PersistenceUtil and PersistenceUnitUtil interfaces provide general utility methods: The Cache interface and the CacheRetrieveMode and CacheStoreMode enum types serve in managing the EntityManagerFactory's shared (level 2) cache: Other enum types are provided for setting of various JPA operations:

Entity Management Settings

" ) specifies whether the Enhancer Agent should be loaded to enhance persistable types on the fly ... the reference type for holding non dirty entities in the persistence context of the EntityManager ... of serializable types that are non persistable otherwise (e.g. a user defined class, which is not an entity

JPA Criteria API Queries

", Country.class); List results = query. getResultList (); Because eventually both types of queries ... , nullLiteral , currentDate , ...). Paths, navigation and types ( get , type ). Arithmetic expressions ( sum

JPA Lifecycle Events

which is the source of the lifecycle event. The argument can have any type that matches the actual value (e.g. in the code above, Object can be replaced by a more specific type ). The listener class

JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria)

, ...). Paths, navigation and types ( get , type ). Arithmetic expressions ( sum , diff , prod

Auto Generated Values

per type hierarchy, so generated values are unique only per type hierarchy. The Sequence Strategy

JPA Class Enhancer

: [ObjectDB 2.8.0] 3 persistable types have been enhanced: test.MyEntity1 test.MyEntity2 test.MyEmbeddable 2 NON persistable types have been enhanced: Main test.Manager You can also specify names

JPA Metamodel API

of the JPA Metamodel API is: Types (mainly classes) and attributes (persistent field and properties) in the persistent object model are represented by the following sets of interfaces and enum types

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

aggregate expressions: count , countDistinct - return a long type expression representing the number ... - returns a double type expression representing the average of numeric values. min , least - return


JPA Interface IdentifiableType Type Parameters: - The represented entity or mapped superclass type . Super Interfaces: ManagedType , Type Instances of the type IdentifiableType represent entity or mapped superclass types . Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Attribute getAttribute (String name


JPA Interface ManagedType Type Parameters: - The represented type . Super Interfaces: Type Instances of the type ManagedType represent entity, mapped superclass, and embeddable types . Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Attribute getAttribute (String name) Return the attribute of the managed type


JPA Interface EmbeddableType Type Parameters: - The represented type . Super Interfaces: ManagedType , Type Instances of the type EmbeddableType represent embeddable types . Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Attribute getAttribute (String name) Return the attribute of the managed type

Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types . "Work" shall

Database Transaction Replayer

directory contains two types of files: Backup files - with names of the form .odb Recording files

Database Replication and Clustering

ObjectDB server can manage different types of databases, including master databases, slave database (by

Detached Entity Objects

with the same identity (i.e. same type and primary key). If the EntityManager does not manage such an entity

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

. Using Viewer Windows The Explorer provides two types of viewer windows for exploring the contents ... database object. This type of viewer is useful for viewing the data of a simple object model. In ... ). This opens the specified viewer window type and displays the results. On the bottom of the query window

Step 5: Design a BIRT Report Chart

In this step we will add a simple chart to the report: Open the [New Chart] dialog box by dragging a  Chart from the [Palette] window and dropping it on the report design (.rptdesign) layout. In the [Select Chart Type ] tab select Tube as the chart type and click Next . In the [Select Data

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

above are usually essential: javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass Specifies the real type ... ) and an exception is thrown. The type of the exception is a JDOException subclass that reflects the specific error ... described above are called, in JDO, datastore transactions . This type of transaction is used in ObjectDB

JDO Predefined ID Classes

but should not be used as the type of a primary key field in a persistence capable class. For example, to use a String primary key define a primary key field of type String : @PersistenceCapable public

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

(which are called persistent classes ) can be stored in the database directly, and other types (such as Java ... . Predefined Java types like ArrayList , String and Date can be stored in the database only as fields

JDO Reference (JavaDoc)

This reference contains the API documentation (similar to JavaDoc) of JDO 2.2. The content is derived from the original JDO documentation with some additions and notes. The most basic JDO types are: All the other JDO types are organized into the following sections:

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

class is and which types are supported by JDO. Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata Shows how to define JDO