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to be automatically updated in process A. So, do I need to refresh objects before using ... automatically - an attempt to apply such automatic updates by ObjectDB would be very inefficient. But you can do that update explicitly in your application - e.g. by invoking

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

Just now I downloaded Eclipse Kepler Reporting. First step was to add the update site ... /birt/install. Unfortunately Eclipse gave me an error not being able to contact the software update site. My questions: - Is there a mistake in the tutorial or is the software update site

Dirty checking

: after the transaction has succeeded, so that I can update views which are observing those objects. Note that you can also make use of a @Version field that is updated ... which updates its view. In the Javascript world, libraries like Breeze.js and HorizonDB

Error 990... and then new version?

; :) joshua Joshua Chambers Ah, but the Error 990 is back!  But with an updated version this time!  Here is updated (and filtered for brevity) stacktrace:  update. Could you please explain what the cause was and how you solved it? The stack trace

Wrong @Id type

> There was a bug in UPDATE queries that was fixed. Please see this forum thread ... and store them again, or use an ObjectDB version before the fix, with an UPDATE queries that change ... we have a different issue from the one in the forum thread you mentioned because we don't use UPDATE queries.

Query performance in general

are the statistics created/updated automatically by some internal mechanism? Thank ... the new "objectdb statistics" update you need to use ObjectDB version 2.8.1 or later, but it should work with any older ObjectDB 2.x database (the file format has not been changed). It is not updated

Show Sql/Jpql

Sql/Jpql style not xml. I can only see select statements, but I also want to see insert, update ... Insert, Update and Delete operations (except delete/update">update queries). You may log these operations by setting a

Access entity version before commit transaction

Hi, I have a usecase where I need to write the updated entity version ... need to access the version of an updated entity inside the transaction before commiting it. How can I achieve this? If I add something to a collection field of the entity ObjectDB seems to update

Need help to analyse very high memory usage by objectdb (PRU, SEV, VAL[])

large insert / update transactions, with large amount of data pending to be written to the database ... consumption of over 2GB with ObjectDB Objects nevertheless be explained with generation or update ... becomes pending for writing to the database (until transaction commit), so with many updates or updates of large

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

and for the update. support Support A follow up questions to this - I'm not sure if its linked ... > However, on to the next problem. I've now updated my test so that the persistable object has an Id and I ... priority. I'm hoping to add these fields as indexes. I've attached the updated test code