Internal Website Search

51-100 of 101 results

Query all objects that implements a given interface - is that possible?

variable ('bk') of type Signals.Signal_Interface (error 737) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery ... unbound variable ('bk') of type Signals.Signal_Interface EKK Emmanuel Keskes Try:    

TypedQuery implementation problems

have tried to make a new module, it does not work, it indicates that the variables have not been declared ... , budget.budgetCode,, "//where the issues start, the variables are not defined

ODB with Netbeans

time errors "Instance variable for persistent attribute must not be public" How does one switch ... ObjectDB . "Instance variable for a persistent attribute must not be public." This is another JPA

On ensuring ID available after persist

); // then do something that relies on Java variable e having e.getId() defined (like wiring ... entity wiring code assumed that the Java variable passed to persist becomes endowed with an id (the same

Clarification on free license restrictions

an instance variable of class Person, which in turn has a user defined instance variable of type Name

Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

get that to your ejb. That is the easiest solution.  Another way might be by setting a system variable ... string variable name PERSISTANCEUNIT with the property value. In your persistance.xml define

Type ... is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) (error 302)

projects to use objectdb. I tried placing objectdb as a variable and then all projects refer to this variable but then this does not work.   The only solution it seems is to: 1. Package objectdb as

Can a Set be a foreign key?

I have two classes, Cell and Character.  Basically, the cell is like a room, and contains a variable (private Set cellHeldCharacters;) which holds the IDs of the characters within the cell (The IDs are Primary Keys).  Can I use the Foreign Key annotation for the variable , or

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

); // Sets %objectdb environment variable System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", objectDbConFile.toString

query on calendar class

is for literals, so it cannot contain variables or parameters. In comparison the operand types must match. Not and objectdb

-docs/environment- variables / Do you use the right file location for the ObjectDB files? Peter  

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

" /                  ="0.00/0.00" variable ="v$1

Performance in SELECT statement

the second entity completely and integrate its 3 variables directly in the TestEntity... but it makes

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

entity object member variables rather than getters and setters. I think if you use the @Warning

Broken @ManyToOne reference

, but after they are retrived, the 'b' variable in all A objects is always null. Regards, Vladimir PS: the same

TreeSet and compareTo() issue

'ddv' variable .  Any ideas how to sort this please? Thanks Russ russ0ne Russell Martin


and had no problem at all. BTW: we included the path to \objectdb\bin in the CLASSPATH environment variable

@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

" is consist with variables street,city,zip etc.  2.How should look like get and set method

Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

I'm trying to switch an application that worked fine in Hibernate to ObjectDB and am having issues with queries that reference enum types. On my entity object is a static enum public static enum Type {     A,B,C } that is stored in an @Enumerated member variable private Type type

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

a multi variable query with JOIN . support Support Thank you for the fast support

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

to elements that are not detected in enhanced classes, correct? If a class variable is assigned a new value

ObjectDb.conf Defaults

%objectdb environment variable System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", objectDbConFile.toString

@Unique member combination not working

thought that using static variables in a multi-threaded environment would be too risky, however, I

Error: Failed to write value of field X using reflection (oneToMany relation)

, has nothing in special. Just a few variables . String, int, and an embedded class. The problem is that, when I

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

; JOIN close is invalid in JPQL. Instead of ON you may  include all the variables in

Entity factory

(at least without using static variables which are very bad code style). An alternative would be if one can create JPA

Client server mode no longer works after JRE install

with my application as opposed to the version of java on the PATH variable . I will not know in

locks on pure query activities

the database file. To enable the new option you have to set an environment variable before accessing ObjectDB

auto-generated uuid fields

hi,  how can  I use   (UUID as variable in entity) for  ObjectDB ?  When I am trying to commit entity to JPA of objectDB,  it gives error . Because it is not supporting.  Is there another way to use UUID at ObjectDB ?   Best Regards. 

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

# # Note: Please set the JAVA_VM and OBJECTDB_JARS variables !   # Path of Java VM (a complete

Trouble bug on explorer

you for your report. support Support Hello again , when i tried to change variable on object. I got error

Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

do not see yet how to relate the manual's example above to these targets and to the various variables

how to operate with same object but two different Thread on database.

Hi,    i have two thread one is for insert data another is for update data but in same object and same database. Description: i have three classes here declare variables and Getter and setter method constructor and to-string method.   Here i

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

is attached. I also attached screenshots from the debug enviroment showing the values of the variables in

Log4j error

is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator" variable .      [java

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

to use objectdb.jar as downloaded as a classpath variable without success.   Thanks st.clair

Problems down-casting in WHERE clause

an additional variable . ObjectDB supports navigation from lists as an extension, so the following query

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

;         '(OP)':notNull]))" eval="8.4168" variable ="o"                 '(OP)':notNull])" eval="6.4168" variable ="o" /        

@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) annotation inhibits proper execution of IN expressions.

When the following annotation is present on an enum type entity field: @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) Queries using JPQL IN expressions on this field won't work correctly anymore. This issue has been described in forum post 1254  (JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN : variable not working if variable

ObjectDB 2.4.0

Added support of entity collections as query parameters. Added support of running ObjectDB within Eclipse 3.7 wrapper jar . Added support of sharing an identifier name for a variable and a parameter ... indexes . Improved processing of queries with a large number of variables ( issue #607 ). Improved

Strange Error with Criteria API and Sorting

be any "$2" variable . More strangely, when debugging through the error doesn't error but if you run

NullPointerException in __odbGetNumMember

: 719 PMImpl(EMImpl).commit() line: 276 [local variables unavailable] quasado Alexander Adam

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose

ObjectDB 2.0.2

Fixed a bug in queries on embedded objects in C/S mode. Fixed a bug in setting log directory path (missing URL decoding). Fixed a bug in automatic byte code enhancement in Java EE server. Fixed a bug in multi variable queries.

ObjectDB 2.8.4

). Added support for a new query hint for setting a preferred variable processing order ( issue #2379 )

ObjectDB 2.6.6

Added support of automatic activation of new indexes ( issue #19 ). Fixed a bug in multi variable queries ( issue #1801 ). Fixed an Explorer exception when a field in a summary view is not included in the tree/table view. Fixed a bug in caching Criteria query programs with IN operator. Fixed a bug

ObjectDB 2.3.7

Fixed a critical issue that may cause database corruption ( issue #630 ). Initial attempt to enable navigation through lazy loading from detached objects ( feature request #326 ). Improved  toString of criteria queries to use aliases ( issue #12 7). Fixed automatic variable naming in criteria

Typo in ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

there is also a quoting issue on the query.setFilter() line in section 7.5 sub section "Nested Bound Variables ".  

Freeze during save

. Could you please check the objects in that loop (see local variables )? What is their type? Are there recurring objects