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Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebPipeline.invoke( at com.sun.enterprise.web.PESessionLockingStandardPipeline

Entity factory - best practices

> per database during the application lifecycle, as demonstrated in the web">Guest Book web application tutorial. support Support

Database is locked when in use

through the online backup web page, it is mentioned for EntityManager. How do i achieve the same

GlassFish 7.1.1

">objectdb.jar in the web application lib directory).

Object belongs to another EntityManager - ERROR

:161) 10:29:15,027 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at

Activation Issue

side so if you are using client-server and you added it to the client side (the web application) it will not

Guestbook example from tutorial does not work.

> to th /Web-inf/lib directory it works.

Connection is closed Caused by:

; The Persistence Unit is deployed in restful web service, so only a single instance per the life-cycle

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

I have ObjectDB  JPA  comsummed by a RESTful web service deployed on Tomcat. I am using an embedded object as a primary key, which has time fields which I have annotated with TemporalType.TIMESTAMP When I use a

Order in WHERE Clause affects behaviour on DATE/DATETIME columns

behaviour?  I am developing an web application using the Play Framwork and JPA and use