ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Activation Issue

side so if you are using client-server and you added it to the client side (the web application

Guestbook example from tutorial does not work.

a maven example. If i place the object-jee.jar to th /Web-inf/lib directory it works. Another alternative

Connection is closed Caused by: java.io.EOFException

one EntityManagerFactory. The Persistence Unit is deployed in restful web service, so only a single

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

I have ObjectDB JPA comsummed by a RESTful web service deployed on Tomcat. I am using an embedded object as a primary key, which has time fields which I have annotated with TemporalType.TIMESTAMP When I use a java.util.Date as a field on this object there is no problem. However, if I use a java

Order in WHERE Clause affects behaviour on DATE/DATETIME columns

an web application using the Play Framwork and JPA and use following libraries: "mysql" % "mysql

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

jar file, is it objectdb.jar or objectdb-jee.jar? Where is the JAR located? in the web application

newbie - lots of exeptions

/gfdeploy/ProhireNetwork_DataSync/ProhireNetwork_DataSync-war_war/WEB-INF/classes, URLEntry : file

NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker on NetBeans 7.3 + JBoss 7.1.1

) 12:25:10,498 ERROR [stderr] (http-- at org.jboss.as.web.security

Embedded Database Replication

As we all know, embedded databases out perform server databases on every occasion. The problem with embedded databases is that theyre difficult to scale. If I were to create an entire enterprise web application within a single jar file using embedded tomcat and embedded objectdb I would run into

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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