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Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

On startup of a Maven-based web app there is verbose logging of object checking whether enhancement has been applied to a wide range of classes, many of which have nothing to do with the entity layer. For example, it is checking whether PrimeFaces JSF toolkit classes are enhanced. I am using Maven

Exception while accessing the Persistence unit ...?

is deploying the application and I can access the web page but I am unable to do any Database operations

Question about modification

Hi, I'm student in Web Apps Developing, I'm trying to use your fucking shit program and I am very close to jump from the window of my school. What's the problem here? Thank u Sir. System.out.println("Entidad a modificar: vehículos || coche || persona || trabajador"); String entidad = menu.nextLine

there is a free version?

(which is not needed for free users) rather than your main class or your web application. support Support

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

successfully. Anyway, you can also put the file anywhere on the web and provide a link. support Support Hi

Suggest link to Maven example from Enhancer tool page

/jpa/web/maven Needs also an explanation about: <phase>process-classes</phase> Or: <phase

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

, the JPA Model, and the Web tier ). The objectdbee.jar is added as a module to the EAR

TypedQuery implementation problems

Hi everyone, I'm having problems. I have implemented TypedQuery in a module of my web system and everything works perfectly. but when making another module and implementing TypedQuery again it doesn't work anymore I would appreciate your opinion. I leave a portion of my code with example

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

and waits for the reply before sending a new request Are you sure about that? If your clients use a web

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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