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Guestbook Tutorial (Eclipse/Glassfish)

\glassfish\domains\domain1\eclipseApps\Guestbook\WEB-INF\db\guests.odb) is reset on occasions; I am not ... directory that GlassFish may clean when the web application is redeployed.

Is 2 level cache in use?

Hi, Is there any way to check, if 2 level cache is in use? Right now I've done two things: 1. objectdb.conf with cache size is placed in WEB-INF directory of my web application. 2. persistence.xml was modified with:

List of Enum Values in an entity

adding the list of flags? What application server do you use? Can you upload the entire web ... > We could reproduce the issue in the GuestBook web application. The problem is that by

Error reading UTF string

$$$view210.getCurrentPersonId(Unknown Source) [DP-domain.jar:] at granat.dp.web.socket.ReverseAjaxHandler ... -as-jpa-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final] at

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

I have created a project as guided by When I abandon eclipse and use the maven command line to deploy this Spring MVC web app to jetty ... a new maven project (with a dynamic web facet) and add Tomcat 6 as a server, it asks me if I want

Post-compile enhancement fails when static Log4j 2.5 based logger used in Entity

I doubt this is an ObjectDB-enhancer problem, I am however reporting it in case anybody else encounters the problem too. It is mostly also not a concern for my own web app ... -bin/log4j-web-2.5.jar If I comment out that static LOGGER variable init line, the error

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

> However, when a different web project (WAR file), which declares a dependency to the database ... src/main/resources/META-INF of the web project that depends on the EJB .. but it's not great

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

the manual. Build time enhancement is preferred, since it enables deployment of the web ... ="/tutorial/jpa/web">in this tutorial. The error message that you got when trying

best practice for DB recovery

, and when the master fails, switch your web application to the slave (not by using a dual url, but by ... > support Support Hi, When you say "switch your web application to the slave

Unexpected exception (Error 990) - NullPointerException

(UnknownSource) at de.kevinfleischer.zvagent.web.VerfahrensuebersichtServlet.doPost ... .apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at com.sun.enterprise.web