ObjectDB Issue Tracking

171-180 of 426 threads
ObjectDB BIRT Driver UpdateFeature RequestNormalActive2016‑09‑01
ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflectionBug ReoprtHighFixed2016‑08‑21
Minor typo on web page...Website IssueLowFixed2016‑08‑06
Typo in ObjectDB 1.0 ManualDocumentationLowFixed2016‑07‑21
InvalidClassExceptionBug ReoprtNormalClosed2016‑07‑18
com.objectdb.o.InternalExceptionBug ReoprtNormalClosed2016‑07‑14
Minor grammatical error in TutorialWebsite IssueLowFixed2016‑07‑12
Query execution causes an unexpected internal exception (Error 990)Bug ReoprtNormalActive2016‑05‑06
Service terminated silently (crashed?)...is there any way to cause a crash dump?Bug ReoprtNormalFixed2016‑04‑25
Remove an entity which attributes were changedBug ReoprtCriticalClosed2016‑04‑14