ObjectDB BIRT Driver Update | Feature Request | Normal | Active | 2016‑09‑01 |
ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection | Bug Reoprt | High | Fixed | 2016‑08‑21 |
Minor typo on web page... | Website Issue | Low | Fixed | 2016‑08‑06 |
Typo in ObjectDB 1.0 Manual | Documentation | Low | Fixed | 2016‑07‑21 |
InvalidClassException | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Closed | 2016‑07‑18 |
com.objectdb.o.InternalException | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Closed | 2016‑07‑14 |
Minor grammatical error in Tutorial | Website Issue | Low | Fixed | 2016‑07‑12 |
Query execution causes an unexpected internal exception (Error 990) | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Active | 2016‑05‑06 |
Service terminated silently (crashed?)...is there any way to cause a crash dump? | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Fixed | 2016‑04‑25 |
Remove an entity which attributes were changed | Bug Reoprt | Critical | Closed | 2016‑04‑14 |