ObjectDB Issue Tracking

51-60 of 423 threads (2,149 posts)Refresh
selective update not workingDocumentationHighClosed2020‑06‑11
retrieval tas reports in logDocumentationHighClosed2020‑06‑09
database corruptBug ReoprtCriticalActive2020‑06‑09
Enum fields are set to null and embeddable enum class does not show in explorerBug ReoprtCriticalFixed2020‑04‑14
Unexpected exceptionBug ReoprtNormalClosed2020‑02‑28
JDBC Driver for ObjectDBFeature RequestNormalActive2020‑02‑21
Allow removal of entity class from ObjectDB & ExplorerFeature RequestHighFixed2020‑02‑12
'DROP TABLE' in ODB?Bug ReoprtNormalFixed2020‑02‑12
WeakRef Purge ObjectDb threads not stopping with Tomcat (in application container)Bug ReoprtNormalFixed2020‑02‑12
Unexpected Exception (Error 990) with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionBug ReoprtNormalClosed2019‑11‑25